Supposedly these will be Microsoft's final consoles. They're going all in with Gamepass when this gen ends

Supposedly these will be Microsoft's final consoles. They're going all in with Gamepass when this gen ends

Attached: 072P10DdUKKYYMKUWbFPDPN-1.fit_lim.v1599833507.jpg (1280x720, 61.05K)

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Competition is healthy and benefits us, so for that alone I hope this isn't true.

Who the fuck cares about microsoft ? They are history old man

Based, playstation claims another victory. Shitch is on its way out too.

Underhanded business deals like microshaft does benefits no one

When xbox sales are skyrocketing to all-time highs? And Sony starting to sweat again? nah
There is still a huge market for dedicated consoles/handhelds. Why do you think gabe made his pathetic steam boxes and decks.

>sony starting to sweat
Pure fucking delusion

You're thinking too small, Microsoft is going full service industry and wants to tie every major game company to their ecosystem

Sure they are, Sonyfag. This will be Sony's final gen.

Well good, then it will only be Nintendo that matters.

This is what no sex does to you


supposedly you are a gay retard

It would be nice if microsoft fucked off out of gaming for good rather than shitting things up with a subscription service.

Sony never does that shit either of course

Xbox has to sell hardware at a loss, if they swap to a Game Pass only model then they make a lot more money. They already have Game Pass streaming to Samsung Smart TVs and XCloud for phones and tablets.

It's pretty easy to see them going all in on Game Pass going forward, having PC as an alternative for people that don't want to stream games. Your average casual with his multiple streaming accounts loves the idea of not paying $500 for a console and paying for Game Pass on his smart TV like he pays for everything else instead.

Meanwhile most hardcore gamers have become PCfags to some extent so not much really changes in that regard. Just pay your PC Game Pass sub and then have the option to pick up and play your games on your TV or phone/tablet if you want to.

>PS5 expected to sell 160 million, outselling the ps2's record
Tendies btfo, holy shit

What fucking level of cope is this?

They confirmed that new consoles (yes, plural) already in development. After they acquire Activision, the Microsoft vs Nintendo era will begin, snoyfag.

Sony funds games, creating new experiences. Microsoft pays to take them away from everyone else. Nintendo also does this, see bayonetta 2.

Supposedly these will be Microsoft's final consoles.
Yeah, people assumed that during the Xbox One generation too. Yet here we are.

Attached: 1656910368938.jpg (2990x4096, 1.01M)

Good, now maybe they can back compat the rest of the 500 games.and not just 30 of them

>buy series S because the massive library of backwards compatible games that aren't on PC is worth it, and game pass is cheap that I can split the bill with a friend
>Xbox sales are better than they've been for the last decade
>game pass also gives me PC gamepass giving me even more shit to play that I might not have tried before
yeah, Xbox is clearly dead. The only console I don't have is a PS5, love my switch, Xbox, and PC, but I see no reason to buy a ps5 when none of the games coming our are A.) Interesting or B.) Not also on PC. Good luck getting the xbox/360 emulators working on pc at a playable framerate because I can't be arsed.

>microsoft wants everyone to be tied to gamepass
>therefore microsoft is going to discontinue their devices that require gamepass to run

yeah that makes sense

Cope, tendie