Into The Breach: Advanced Edition

Why does this bug have eyelashes?

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Get in my thread.

hate this lil game

Same but I want to hate it together fuck anything but a perfect island I keep restarting and Ill never finish a god damn run due to 2nd or 3rd island bullshit

rocket mech is superior to other mechs

me am kill bug then call u gay

>Pilot that gets boost as long as she's at full HP
Literally unstoppable. She's carried me to several hard victories.

>pilot that sucks my dick as long as she is female
Literally unstoppable. She's carried me to several hard orgasms.

Why isn't this game as good as FTL?

>tiny map size
>only 3 dudes to move at a time as opposed to a ship full of crew
>gameplay is basically a turn based sliding block puzzle
>power grid limits tactical options and is a shallow instant loss condition
>units are dead or alive, no need for damage control like ship subsystems
>terrain adds little to the experience, all tiles fit into 3 categories: step on, protect, can't/don't step on
>once you've played through the campaign once you've seen everything the game can offer outside of new squads
>advanced edition does nothing to alleviate any of these issues
>new units are just variations on dealing damage, moving a unit, or preventing damage (imagine chess 2.0 with pawns that move diagonally, would be interesting for all of 3 games)
>no encounters are really unique, again all boil down to sliding and removing blocks

It's more a puzzle game than a turn based strategy, but that's what it presents itself as. This'll naturally be disappointing to anyone who expected meaningful gameplay. It's a fun mobile game to play on the toilet or while alt tabbed. I doubt as many people as many hours into it as they did into FTL. It desperately needs overhaul mods.

Is she a she? I genuinely don't know for 100% certain

I have no idea, everyone in the game is genuinely ugly. She's pretty useful though.

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>Runs are either me flooring the bugs or pure misery
I got the game 3 days ago and only won once so far (easy mode, 4 islands), the only other good run I had (pic related was my loadout alter 2 islands, lost on 4th) ended because I entered an island infested with blobbers and those bugs that throw exploding rocks and then attack them on the same turn.

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Same i know in the grand scheme of things perfect arnt a big deal and most of the time i just take the grid def or end up selling the extra item but damnit not getting a perfect is so demoralizing i just end up restarting.

I have a weird black square on my statistics screen when I try to click on anything. How do I fix that?

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>sprites need more animation, they don't even rotate when attacking or moving (even a simple horizontal flip would've made the game seem more alive)
>certain squads are OP of the box and others suck ass outside of contrived scenarios
>squads with collateral damage are contrary to the shallow focus on avoiding grid damage
>secondary objectives you have no control over (train moves on its own, colliding with vek - again removing strategy for more puzzle nonsense)
>game is a roguelite/like/whatever but doesn't have nearly enough content for repeat playthroughs
>new equipment and pilots are giventhrough a drip feed via achievements encouraging suicide runs
>squads only have a couple achievements associated with them, further encouraging suicide runs
>you don't get anything new to play with during a campaign until an island is complete outside of time pods (again more puzzle elements, stand on this tile), unlike FTL where you frequently could purchase new items or find stuff in random events
>story is somehow even less involved than FTL despite presence of talking heads
>no random events during campaign, just the same puzzle based missions again and again
>secondary objectives are too simple and often add nothing to the mission (half of them are just protect a tile)
>RNG is present, yet not to any fun or gameplay benefit to the player, you're never gonna randomly find cool end game weapon or whatever on the first island like you could in FTL, further decreasing replability
>if you do happen to find a weapon in a time pod you need power to use it, so it's probably gonna sit in your inventory until the next island
>campaign is tedious due to the repetitive nature and short missions, yet you need to finish your runs for more achievements
>when a pilot dies your shit out of luck until you get another one, the mech doesn't even gain XP
>time traveling pilots is a dull mechanic after the first couple runs

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There's a mod that turns the women into moderately attractive anime girls. Way better than all the mutts and stupid robots they shoved into the roster.

It's been a while since I played but zenith and hazardous were pretty powerful teams, I'd unlock one of those next. IIRC if you can avoid demolishing your own cities, hazardous basically mollywhops everything cuz it has so much damage. Flamers were also pretty good, the floaty mech I remember being amazing.

>Bro we want you to kill 5 or less vek on this mission
>Yes you will have to prioritize the lives of the vek over our own citizens, if you want the reward for clearing all objectives perfectly at the end of the island
Fuck anyone who defends the gameplay decision of adding this objective to the Advanced Edition

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I'm just now playing it on a random squad and what the fuck is this broken shit. I have a full XP pilot on the Leap Mech that is Invulnerable and Heals 1 every turn but the Rocket Mech with base pilot is already so versatile. AND DOES 2 DAMAGE? AND PUSHES? AND SMOKES? AND PASSIVE SMOKE DEALS 1 DAMAGE? Very obviously needs to atleast have 1 or 2 health to compensate or just lower the damage.

Sorry, only play with the bot squad.

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unlocking new pilots is so fucking annoying, its pure rng and you barely have any chances to get them.

Ugly minimalist puzzle game made by soiboys.