Wikipedia deleted the article detailing Nintendo's censorship practices over the years after a couple of tendies...

>Wikipedia deleted the article detailing Nintendo's censorship practices over the years after a couple of tendies nominated it for deletion and nobody voted except them

Defend this

Attached: nintendo wiki.png (600x371, 25.33K)

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Post the link to the discussion.

Wikipedia is run by leftists, when hunter Biden iCloud was leaked, the article made about it was immediately trialed to vote if it should be deleted

Wikipedia has become trash. Ran by idealogues pretending they’re important as they argue semantics in a discussion page.

This. Knowing online righty activists, all of this is either made up or initiated by someone who can barely write his own name and therefore is easily outplayed by more eloquent leftards.

Guess you should have voted then

Why do you think Wikipedia has been obsessively archived by Archive.Org down to the last page? Hint its the same reason why Twitter has been archived in the library of Congress in the 1000s of terabytes while only 1 terabyte of Geocities was saved.

Attached: The-Cultural-Purge.png (653x800, 355.39K)

Was it a random terabyte, or the most popular terabyte? Makes a big difference.

they are erasing information and only leaving the things they want, in other words erasing history

Yeah, that's a standard tactic since forever in history though.

If you thought computers would change human vice, you thought wrong.

It's most likely random, they were trying to save everything but Yahoo kept blocking them and didn't even tell them how large thr entire website was it was not until later that they found out.

alright i'll bite, who is the "they" that took down geocities and how did "they" do it?

Yahoo took it down and tried to stop anyone from archiving it.

>Why do you think Wikipedia has been obsessively archived by Archive.Org down to the last page?
Because it's extremely easy to do it, retarded schizo.

Can’t taste Wokepedia, never.

qrd on why?

Wikipedia deletes versions from history sometimes. It won't even show up in the History tab. It's rare but it happens.

But this isn't from downloads of the website, its every single page being archived several time a month most likely through bot scans. Yet they never cared to do that with Geocities or the many modding sites that were taken down.

Third party censorship?

>Defend a completely unsubstantiated claim that I've provided no evidence for
>This is definitely not a bait thread he he
Holy shit can this thread be fucking nuked before 300+ replies

Wikipedia still have intact articles calling Jimmy Saville a nice reasonable person.

capbuck bros... NOT AGAIN!


Attached: Capcom_Fighting_Collection_Box_Art.jpg (267x374, 146.57K)

Yahoo says that it was saving on money and it would cost them too much to have Geocities archived. Poor excuse it probably cost them more to block the archiving than to just let it happen. This was a blatant cultural purge.

Based retard.

Attached: Screenshot 2022-07-23 at 13-31-04 kw-wiki-20110808 Free Download Borrow and Streaming Internet Archive.png (767x249, 16.57K)

That section of is managed by users, not scrapped automatically.

>AHHHH Hunter Biden
>AHHHH George Soros
Why are consertatives so afraid of barely functioning drug addicts qnd 90s year old men? Fox News had not one but TWO separate Hunter Biden documentaties. Those faggots are obsessed.

Is that the case for every single archive that they do obsessively each month? Also I think that there are government websites that have been archived just as obsessively. Why didn't they do the same for Geocities?

It's pretty cool when you get undeniable evidence of corruption, so it's no longer a suspicion but a fact.

Their woke push is failing, no one will ever like fags and all they're doing is turning us Americans into Muslims where we'll just start killing off faggots. If they defend the faggots, we'll just come after and kill off the government as well and create a new government that hate faggots.

This is when you go thermonuclear on nintendo. Never, ever buy 1 of their products again. I haven't bought a Nintendo product since 2006 and it was an n64 with some games

I will continue to buy Nintendo consoles and 2D Metroid games and you can't stop me.

>thread about Nintendo
>cut Muttniggers start talking about politics