Wait 5 years for a game to come out

>wait 5 years for a game to come out
>get the ending and plot spoiled a week before its release
give me one reason the internet shouldn't be fucking deleted

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You deserve to get it spoiled for liking this gay shit you retard

it's about the journey and not the destination and if a single reveal ruins the entirety of it, then maybe it wasn't that good in the first place.

It's better this way, user. Better to know it's shit going in, then have hopes for the story and watch them get raped over the course of an 80+ hour game. The albatross of Xenoblade hangs on my neck no more.

Shit the fuck up and suck my dick bitch

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Sounds like a (you) problem.

There is no reason, the Internet has been the single worst creation of mankind.

are you the guy that typed this same thing in the other thread

my greatest plight at the moment is that im only getting 25-28 fps on opengl because amd and vulkan crashes on start. at least i didnt have to buy a fisher price baby toy handheld to play this (1 week later)

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"Spoiling the end" is only a problem for cinematic experiences. Whenever I play a shmup or a Mario game, I know the ending right away. "Mario rescues the princess" or "Vic Viper destroys the giant alien brain thing". Doesn't stop me from having fun, because only the gameplay is important and everything else is filler that could, and should, be removed.

Sorry to hear that your priorities aren't in order.

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>so retarded he can't understand the impact of experiencing something for yourself within the work as intended for the first time
I would have literally fucking cheered and maybe even cried from happiness seeing that picture that's plastered all over the fucking board right now in the fucking game myself during the ending
I had this shit fucking robbed from me
and it wasn't even on Any Forums, I saw it mentioned on another site I visit for something COMPLETELY FUCKING UNRELATED


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>caring about spoilers
>not just having a memory so bad you can barely remember it by the time you get there

this, just get on some hard drugs

this only worked for undertale and that was only because I watched a youtube playthrough of it more than half a decade before I finally played it myself and I wasn't very interested at the time I watched the video so none of what I saw really stuck

snape kills dumbledore

>something something I just want a glorified movie, gameplay means nothing
That's nice.

This is your fault for hanging around reddit.

>Caring about spoilers
>Caring about spoilers for a shit game no less
>Still going on the internet despite knowing full well that the game was leaked\about to be leaked
Fucking retard.

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Welcome to the pokemon fandom user

>just don't go on the internet for a week
why do you talk like this is fucking possible

Can't wait for the Shulk fucked everyone DLC, even Sharla.

It is you faggot. Literally just don't go on the internet. Just, you know, play some actual video games instead.

Just play some video games instead