What's fucking wrong with Sony?

What's fucking wrong with Sony?
Even Nintendo wasn't THAT bad during snes age

Attached: Persona 5 no upgrade.jpg (1080x449, 80.41K)

persona is neither developed nor published by snoy
snoy are a bunch of slimy jews and have done worse, and are unrelated to this current fanfare

Sony doesn't care until sales take a nosedive. Even with all the shit they did so far they are still in a very good position due to the PS4.

This is an Atlus thing.
Sony is garbage, but this is on Atlus.

How could you compare this to the SNES age? There's no equivalent to this situation back then.

>no PS5 upgrade
wouldn't that just be charging PS players twice for the same game PC and Xbox players are getting?

>Buy BoTW on Wii U
>Can't get Switch version
Wow, really NIntnedo!?

It has all the DLC with it, you're asking why they're not giving you all the DLC for free. Which is like complaining that you didn't get The Old Hunters for free when the GOTY edition of Bloodborne dropped.

Actually no, all sonny's games have mandatory paid updates, and even if 3rd party ones got free one on xbox, it still costs money on ps5
I think Sony actually forces already greedy publishers to do that

It's pretty simple
>sony treats jap devs like shit for the entire PS4 life span
>Atlus sees an opportunity to take their games multiplat for the bigger audience, especially after Smash Ultimate brought Joker in
>deliberately piss off sonyfags to discourage sales of the PS5 version so they can justify developing for Switch/PC (it won't do great on Xbox, it'll probably triple sales on Switch due to the constant portbegging and rosterfaggotry of smash)
it's really not hard to see the strategy here. Writing's been on the wall for ages and Atlus isn't the only ones jumping ship.

Xbox's Smart Delivery would have fixed this.

I dunno man, I bought Wild Arms and Ape Escape years ago on PS3 and got them for free for PS4 and PS5, Sony seems pretty good with that. Maybe it's a Sega problem?

Clearly you didn't play Street Fighter in the SNES age.

At the risk of empty physical discs that don't even have a full 1.0 on them, which is fucking dogshit in other ways.

Yet PlayStation players will still defend them to the death

>charging PS players twice for the same game
Three times
And now the PS5 port of P5R

And they'll most likely buy it, remember the people begging for it to come to switch didn't even have a switch, they had played it on ps4 and wanted a portable version.

>Comparing 2 completely consoles with different firmware, software, and hardware to modern consoles that only have hardware upgrades (still bullshit they’re new consoles but eh)

Gotta suck that moon rune dick huh?

Who the fuck still buys physical? In this day and age with always online bullshit physical is dead unless you’re playing on older systems

That mindset is why the prices of these current games are going to be expensive in 15 years. All those old consoles can be emulated or have things like ODEs or flash cards to play everything on but it doesn't matter, collectors want them. That's true now and it will be true in 15 years when people want to own a copy of their favorite games from this gen to shove on a shelf.

>Who the fuck still buys physical
Literally the majority of all console owners.


Attached: FKkj97pWUAYJRt4.jpeg.jpg (2048x1208, 167.26K)

Sony has utter contempt for their audience, they are simply paypigs

Is the ps5 version of royal getting a collectors edition? I’ve already got the first two I might as well get the third for a triumvirate of Persona 5 collectible garbage.

i don't get it, shouldn't stuff like this just come with the game?

>DLC generates 9% more profit than retail and digital game sales combined

this doesn't make much sense

What was thus supposed to prove again?

Just pay another 60 dollars plus tax like what is the problem are you poor?

>shouldn't stuff like this just come with the game the additional content? Nah, enhanced versions have been a thing for a long time, look at how many versions of SF2 exist. That said P5R is the only modern Atlus game to make an enhanced version for the same console since probably FES. Usually only ports to new consoles get the enhanced treatment otherwise they'll make dlc or a sequel like 4A.

One backspace too far.
Always happens...