We won

We won.

Attached: shaggy.jpg (1200x800, 60.58K)

I dont play f2p garbage

Enjoy your guaranteed FOMO to keep you coming back that all f2p games have in some form.

>this is a win for nu/v/
Launchpad McDuck, now THAT was a win for vee

ok gramps, meds and sleepy now

Shaggy finally reached super shag?

Based. Never forget Albert Einstein's brave sacrifice.

*kicks user in the groin*
I haven't even played my weekend match of AoE2 with the boys yet you little shit


McQuack, you double negro.

what is this reddit shit? smashtards just keep stooping lower and lower after their main hypetrain ended

zoomers btfo?


Fuck you and your spic memes. God I hate you faggots.


how long before obama's in?

>f2p even more soulless version of smash

>Launchpad McDuck
>Albert Einstein
True kings of Any Forums

>stale meme from 2018
>we won
Pick one marketing chang

On it's own, it's alright, but compared to smash, it's like an amateur game jam project. It's just not as refined and doesn't have anywhere NEAR the polish that smash has built on over the years.

There will never be a smash killer

Attached: Ultra Instinct Shaggy is canon.webm (1920x1080, 965.17K)

>it's been over ten years
fug I'm getting old