I literally fell asleep right at the beginning during a 1 hour cutscene...

I literally fell asleep right at the beginning during a 1 hour cutscene, this is the first time a video game put me to sleep should I try and push on?
Is this game worth it?

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The massive exposition dump at the beginning lasts ~2 hours, but then afterwards the 'game' proper starts and the cutscenes aren't too bad (until the end).

>"I literally fell asleep"
Poor user suffers from narcolepsy. shouldn't have got that vaxx

I might try and give it another go I'm trying to trust Kojima.
I aint had a vaccine

lol no it's shit
fucking walking sim with kojima bullshit on top of it
literally a shittier ripoff of the horizon zero sale engine, let that sink in
WHY would you waste money on SHIT?

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I didn't actually buy it, it was in ps plus extra

I'm literally taking a break from playing it right now. I've started and restarted this game probably 3 or 4 times, always stopping around South Knot City. I'm now by a heart-shaped lake, for those who've played it.

The game is at its worst in the beginning, but it does begin to grow on you after more means of transportation open up. Building the roads is incredibly satisfying, though I stopped committing to it around Chapter 5 or 6. I should go back and finish it out, because the snow area is getting exhausting.

I won't pretend like it's the GOTYAY, but it is a slow burner that fits a certain mood. Whether or not you're in that mood won't become fully apparent until after the tutorial zone. It is a nice game.

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I finished this game while smoking dude weed.

yes user, the gunplay is pretty fun but you gotta make it to chapter three before you see it

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probably the best way to play it to be honest

I've never played it (I don't play "videogames") but I hear it's kino.

this shit happened to me with uncharted. movie games are the absolute worst. I remember being like three hours in and realizing I had shot like three npcs and climbed a wall and that's about it. dropped.

Stop restarting and just continue from where you were.

Looks like shit. Wake me when Kojima decides to make fun games again.

The beginning of the game is a retard filter, keep playing. More games need them.

Not for you. Go play something else.

>game gets good after 10 hours xD

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I loved every part, cut scenes and all.

it's good as soon as you start it just stops filtering retards after 10 hours

it's worth it, the beginning of the game is a bit dull but the cutscenes stop for the most part during the second act until the very end of the third

You need to change your expectations with Kojima games. Go in expecting a poorly written movie and you might enjoy it. If you go in expecting a video game, you'll be severely disappointed.

DS is a high budget game for a crowd that likes serious cheese, serious heart, and weird-ass, laid-back gameplay. If you don't like all these things, it probably won't be for you.

it's a solid game with a movie taped to the beginning and end of it. kojima knows that video games and movies aren't the same thing, he doesn't try to blend them, he just puts them together like an apple and an orange in a fruit bowl.

I've been playing it for the past week and I intend to finish it this time. Also, I can't jump into certain games after leaving them for months.

Favorite character

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turn it on as a bedtime story everytime you want to go to sleep

ironically death stranding isn't a movie game, it just has an intro movie instead of an intro cutscene.

I was on the fence until I got to Mountain Knot and then the game completely won me over

>the snow area is getting exhausting
take some time to build a zipline system. it makes this part of the game much much easier on you and more fun to traverse through

forget the fucking movie. The game is best when everyone else just shut the fuck up.

Today I played it a little bit. It's stupid that the game requires you to build a piece of road in order to advance. I hope it is not mandatory.

I already finished it once and I hate the roads. I'm committed to the gameplay. Yes I want to walk, yes, slow, but the game wants me to use tools to speed up. And the tips on screen...They always appear again and again. I turn off the entire UI to amplify the experience and the tips keep popping up and up again. WHY.

>t. playing DS Classic. Fuck Director's Cut even more.

no matter how i look at it, this was THE virtuous mission; operation moonie eater next in korea

thank you, kojima

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