Holy wholesome 100

holy wholesome 100

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elden ring
i will take my free (You)s now

Elden Ring should obviously win GOTY. Literally nothing else beats it

even if I didn't find it perfect, it's hilarious to think anything can top it

>he think video game awards are real
holy lol


Stray is unironically more original than Demon’s Souls 7.

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here ya go bud

>wewuz vikings n shiet
>tranny writers
>pozzed thor

>little politics
>a fucking cat
>no transhit

am i the only one who doesn't give a shit about le heckin cat game? also awards aren't real, retard


Yep, it's this. Or Ragnarok since the GoTY awards are just pay-to-win bullshit anyways, and western studios always shill out to market their game.
I wash the blatantly obivous cat marketers would fuck off from Any Forums though. Why are there so many of them anyway?

It will not win GOTY though I could def see it win Indie GOTY

Should tell you more about the state of the industry that demons souls 7 is just indisputably GOTY.

I wish indies win more GOTYs. Last year was a god send.

And stray is just another point-and-click aesthetic indie walking sim. Neither of them are original, revolutionary or deserve GOTY.

Like what you like and stop caring about gay little slap fights on Any Forums. Most of this shit will probably roll over by September at most

why is Any Forums so autistic about a cat game?

Because the obvious shilling here for it is fucking annoying.

Fucking wish it was demon's souls 2, it was Dark Souls 2 2

We all know Sony is going to pay for GoW to win it.

The latest Call of Duty souls rehash #27382
yeah nah fuck off.

too video gamey
only movieshit wins GOTY these days