Spent my entire life thinking DOA was some coomer volleyball game

>Spent my entire life thinking DOA was some coomer volleyball game
>It's a coomer fighting game
Tell me about how it plays, coomerchads.

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>playing anything they fap to
Oh I'm laffin'

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Coomerchads use their erections as fuel to improve. Coomerplebs fap instead of growing

The coomers who actually play and are good are incredibly rare, like less than 1% of people, they're practically unicorns. This applies doubly for DoA, because nobody actually plays it.

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>nobody actually plays it

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God these chicks heavily makeup and edit photos you may as well keep beating it to 2D.

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It's a rock-paper-scissors game of strikes, holds, and throws. Pretty fun. I'd recommend DOA5 Last Round. 6 sucks.

>coomer volleyball game
DOAX3 is a pretty decent beach volleyball game, though there isn't a decent amount of other volleyball games to begin with.

>coomer fighting game
DOA has a strike/grapple/hold mechanic that you don't find in a lot of other fighting games. Stage positioning is important if you want to max out your combo damages and could fuck you over as well. You can even yeet opponents off of some stages for extra damage. 5LR is the best DOA fightan experience, 6 is nothing but a glorified tech demo.

Sauce please

I find it impossible to believe a person living in the digital age with stable access to internet can be so mindnumbingly stupid that they live for any extended period of time believing something about a game series which could be investigated in about 10 seconds with any search engine.
Then again, it's not very surprising that it's coming from a mouthbreather perpetuating this unfunny -oomer reddit shite.

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>6 is nothing but a glorified tech demo
Shame. Do you think 6 has the potential to be better with updates?

I still play 6 on pc regularly. 5 is better but there's no lobby support so it's mostly dead outside of people doing parsec matches. DoA as a series is super easy to get into. It's by far the easiest 3d fighter.

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like shitty tekken

so virtua fighter

I think 6 is more than a tech demo, it's still a functional and fun fighter. It's just an obvious downgrade from 5. it's obvious that 6 wasn't a finished game and KT was pushing for their katana engine hard with it but it didn't turn out into being a dysfunctional shit show like dynasty warriors 9 did at least.

It was doomed from the start. IIRC it didn't even have online lobbies at launch.
They only bothered to update ways to con money out of you with the hair color options. Even if 6LR happened, it had cut so much content from 5LR that it didn't seem feasible to Team Ninja to fix it.

Tekken for retards

Doa5 last round is the best game in the series and really fun one when you learn it. Low skill floor high skill ceiling kinda game plus too many best girls to know what to do with

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But tekken is already for retards

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I've always enjoyed DOA as a fighting game, was vaguely interested in the volleyball, and these days its upsetting to know the fighting game is dead forever, and only the gacha remains. Also yes I do enjoy the bigass titties on them bitches.

Tekken is already for turbo autists. Tekkenfags love to brag about MUH DEEP COMBOS. Its fucking QWOP but as a fighting game.

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I tried to git gud at it but I think I'm just too much of a brainlet for fighting games.

Kek same here

This is a real person? I really thought I was looking at some blender shit

Most of them are fun, but the latest one (DoA6) sucks. The Volleyball games are underrated, playing a bit like a combination of mini-game collection, casino game, and dating sim. Steer clear of the gacha game, it's shitty.

>he couldn't electric so he copes with the shitty coomer knockoff
nice core values amigo

I think Soulcalibur is easier to get into. Move properties are relatively straightforward, combos are exceedingly simple, and stages are just varieties of rectangles.