Legend of Total War here

Legend of Total War here

Attached: Total-War-Warhammer-3-Logo.png (2000x1125, 659.82K)

I set his channel to hidden, he is too tryhard for me

t. casual boomer gamer

Attached: Willy.jpg (540x720, 66.97K)

Go hang yourself for asking me a stupid fucking question you rabid ape
Thanks for the superchat though!
How does he get away with it?

e-celeb thread?

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1.3. made the game playable.
The WoC DLC will make Warriors of Chaos fun.
Immortal Empires BETA that comes with the DLC and the free WoC rework will make game 3 fun and even more so when it finally comes out of the BETA phase.
Then its Dawi-Zharr and a whole lot of other DLCs.

>Still no Chorfs

>mfw the elector counts are summoned

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>micros a hero/lord for 20 minutes to waste ammo

If only CA improved their AI after 20 years of making the same game


>spams sisters of avelorn

Wait for it. They will come and it will be fun.

I love how retards bring this up without realizing that not only would it recquire an absurd amount of resources, it would render the game borderline unplayable, since the AI can already micro everything well enough as it is.
The problem is more that devs have a shitload of stuff to program so they end up ignoring programming this because they think no one is autistic enough to play the game like that

They micro so well they fucking stand still.
>he problem is more that devs have a shitload of stuff to program
Like what, they keep removing features each entry.

>hey legend here's free money also [insert retarded question here] and keep up the good work!
>hey NiggerAnus25 did a super chat, yeah i dunno lol
>thanks for super chat though
imagine paying somebody just so he reads your irrelevant message and then still getting ignored

>male findom
What a chad

Kinda based, fuck just giving a bullshit answer because they paid you.

They've already done this in 3K and WH3, but only to an extent.

oh mah fuckin lor

Azazel starts in Cathey, CA knows

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IE, WoC Rework and Chaos champions soon friens
I 100% thought they would sleep on Valkia longer

Unfortunately, on the map that matters, he starts in Norsca and Cathay is about as far away from the three Slaaneshi factions as you can get.

>summom the elector counts!
>only 1 elector count is in the game excluding Karl himself

>highly autistic minmaxy exploiter (self-proclaimed 'cheeser') is insufferable to watch if you actually like the game
Yeah, we know.

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Strayan shitposting privileges.

Not touching this trash again until IE when they hopefully unfuck themselves.

Tw2 was one of the best games of the past decade so I was willing to take a chance on 3 but it seems every time a dev gains a tiny bit of my trust they take it and wipe their ass with it.

Let that be a lesson to you. NEVER give ANY dev the benefit of the doubt.

TWW campaigns are in sufferable to watch period.
It's got all the downsides of downtime without the ability to focus on something else in the background.

literally no personality. still gets thousand of viewers because hes good at cheesing a singleplayer game for some reason.

isn't the correct way to play campaign with players only?
My friend WILL learn to play the game or die in battle against me trying.

Truly a plague worse than anything Nurgle could've come up with.