Tv series gets a vidya adaptation

>tv series gets a vidya adaptation
>it's shit
say its name

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why is it that when real, actual humans are made into 3d models, their eyes get HUGE?

that's every TV license game though

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that's an exception

do I see fucking costanza in that photo

>The Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle-earth

Human eyes are big just hidden below the eyelids

He doesn't look like Brian Cranston at all! WTF is this the best Unreal 5 can do?

wait till you see hank

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All of them, and the same goes otherwise.

He looks like an Uncharted villain

>mogs your licensed Any Forums game

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Jesus Christ that dude is tanky



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It's like someone described him to the dev over the phone in another language

HAAAAAAAAAANK! ...on second thought, maybe Jack's doing him a favor...

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how is his face a completely different color from the rest of his skin??

Not all of them.

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