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i like the voice acting
i think i lived to see the definitive edition

they do that but let Great Aja say Motherfucker, even if its bleeped out. Oh well. We all know what the item really is. How the hell a diary counts as armor is the real question.

C u c k game

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>How the hell a diary counts as armor is the real question.
That's possibly the dumbest part, they censor it but they don't change it into an item instead. With the context, finding the diary in the wardrobe and then it being an armour piece instead of an item just tips you off that something's wrong. And it's not like it has value as armour anyway since it has worse defence than your starting gear. Feels like this was a last minute change.

Started with Prehistory. The fucking mammoth is annoying me to death.

You're going to be there for a while if you're trying to get the Cola Bottle drop from it.

Is 1:01 a spoiler?

I just downloaded the leaked version, how does it emulate?

it's just the time periods and the chapter names, user

The graphics in the chapter select screen are bugged but it's been fine otherwise so far.

Show me the back of the physical box please!

Squeenix's """"""""""ethics department"""""""""" most likely, ever since they fell to the western market meme they've been making dumbfuck decisions like making it

I want to play this video game

In context to Oersted's chapter clearly not being selectable from the beginning compared to the other 7 when you start the game, I guess. The title doesn't really spoil anything.

>shows off almost every final boss
>show off the existence of Oersted's chapter
>show off an absolute fuckton of the final chapter
Man I hope anyone who hasn't played the original avoids these or can just forget all of it.

I forgot to test what happens when you give Bel a piece of equipment she can equip instead of the meat.

Oh my fucking god, I have fallen for this TWICE now. I preorded Chrono Chross and this, assuming there would, of course, not be any censorship in the Japanese versions. Lo and behold, they're both fucking pozzed. Just fuck my tight little boipucci. I think I'm done buying Square shit.

>spics replying on Any Forums


Just finished the caveman story as my first chapter. Pretty underwhelming start.

How are those spoilers? You also need context there!

To anyone who doesnt know shit, all those 'spoilers' are just random images.


>he didn't play the original

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Caveman is a simple story, but it's a good starting chapter as it's pretty much just a straight forward chapter with no gimmicks beyond the crafting. Plus even some secret stuff.

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>changing an article of clothing into a "diary"
but for what purpose?