Mindbroke the Any Forums buck into hating comfy

>Mindbroke the Any Forums buck into hating comfy

Dare I say, based.

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wow a cat

30 dollars for a 4 hour game

El gato..................

that's spanish for "the gato"

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This cat is so ugly.

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It's a pretty based game.

Attached: Stray.jpg (2560x1440, 217.68K)

But is it any way lovecraftian?

Jajajaja el gato tan divertido

Attached: mjbhy78u9o.jpg (224x224, 3.57K)

Shazamtrannies really need to expand their vocabulary

>Any Forums loves shit like clussy
>but hate a adorable cat's game

>$70 to walk around as a cat
lmao even

>comparing a walking simulator to some dumb meme

I lost interest when I saw the context sensitive 'A to jump" prompt. The cancer killing modern games

>be a tranny
>hate on popular thing
I hate nu/v/

i will play it if i ever see it on gamepass and i dont have anything else to play at the momment but i'm not really interested

howdy fellow stray enjoyer

Attached: 1645887479501.webm (640x360, 2.34M)

On pc is free.

Hold w for 3 hours: the game
Price: 30 dollars

>cats mindbroke Any Forums newkids
They're gonna shit their brains out when they realize tomorrow is caturday

You didn't play it.

this. free fun for all.

Attached: cato bucket.webm (556x468, 2.95M)

>head goes through the handles
No matter how good graphics get they still never bother to fix this stupid shit.

I need more fanart of this evil nigga

Attached: IMG_20220722_033940.jpg (1080x1046, 794.35K)

So its worthy to get it now or just wait until the game gets in sales?

This is why SFV pissed me off so much

Is this supposed to be PS5 "next gen"? Looks like a cheap ass PS4 game anyway.

>5 threads vs 580+ clussy spam threads
Gee, I wonder why.

oh it's really badly programmed. The cat doesn't even touch the steps, it just moves diagonally. Small indi teamu preasu understando. Still a relaxing and fun game.

Attached: Hk_project Screenshot 2022.07.21 - (1920x1080, 3.42M)

>I'm with UCATCO, start talking

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Is it a game or not? People here keep saying it's a walking simulator. The cat is cute but I'm not spending money hold forward for 4+ hours

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I wasn't just calling out this game but every game. Faggots always boasting about how great the graphics look yet clipping still exists.

Graphics stopped going forward for a while now user, and it cant be helped, just wished people focused on other aspects that still need to be touched on

>Model collisions
>Lighting (this one is pretty well done most of the time)
>Character reaction to terrain
>Enviroments (why is destructible environment no longer a thing)

Yeah. Pretty fun game who mocks on chinese city of anarchy.
And such a beautiful ending, too

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clipping is cheap to implement. Want details? Enjoy some unrealistic behaviours.

>walking simulator
>walking simulator but the main character is a cat

And you guys blame normies for ruining the industry lol

There are puzzles and metal gear sections, but they are absolutely braindead because they probably thought the playerbase is fulll of retards, so might as well be walking sections.

He seems pretty evil.

Attached: n0Olc9bqjNebyqXL.webm (640x360, 2.2M)

Any Forums has lofty standards; Stray fans have none.

>adventure game
>walking simulator
Stupid nintöddler zoomer. Next time you'll call Day of The Tentacle a Walking simulator, too.
And you shit are talking about normies. You think like one of them.

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Attached: Screenshot 2022-07-21 at 10-31-15 Mods Stray.png (295x475, 94.94K)

kek what's with the QTE gameplay oh no no no no

Straychads has standars, because they like finished games.
Nintcücks has none and will defend incomplete and censored bullshit for 65 USD