Last video game that made you happy?

Last video game that made you happy?

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Do people really use video games to replace the love they never had from their parents?

Better than drugs, or whores, or crime. Vidya is literally meant to help us escape this shitty existence.

Well yes? Anything can work, books, friends, etc etc.

and Any Forums to replace having friends

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man wtf luigi

at first glance you would think that, but they are far worse. They take away something far more valuable than your health. They take away time, lots of it. Imagine what your life would be if you replaced games with weed and started partying, engage in arts and socialise, or use Adderall and study and get better education and improve yourself.

My parents love me but I am ultimate failure. They are the only reason I am not killing myself

>Imagine what your life would be if you replaced games with weed and started partying, engage in arts and socialise, or use Adderall and study and get better education and improve yourself.



Why ? Why can't you answer that ?

I like when a game say to me "well done user" because i never hear that word for anyone in real life except one o two time from my parents but for stupid things like a high grade in math in HS or something like that
After they both gone, maybe i kill myself

we can fling anecdotal evidence at eachother all day long why does it matter. the sentence was written by a 19 year old.

So you can't counter it?

you want anecdotal evidence?

>family books a massive holiday during the two weeks of my final exams
>don't even ask me, hate me for not going
>spend two weeks alone studying as my family resents me for something I couldn't control

Who said that? You keep bring this up like its how you want to frame the response.

you don't even need evidence. Just translate most if not all those hours spent on games you have on steam to hours spent using those drugs and either socializing with people or studying and getting better grades and improving on your career. Those are just 2 simple examples though, you could devide them on spending more time fishing with your grandpa, learning useful skills, playing with your etc.

you don't need drugs to "socialize and study", and you can do both while playing videogames. Most actual drug users are just addicts dying in some basement.
You saying "drugs make you social xdxd" is literal anecdotal evidence that don't happen in most cases.

Again, bait. Jesus christ.

You can't keep saying bait. Answer the posts.