What's a game that makes you less lonely?

What's a game that makes you less lonely?

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Ted Bundy simulator

deep rock galactic :)


Permanently? None.

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none of them

Meeting actual people will help with that, and you don’t need to turn on a console to do it

If there's no multiplayer element it rarely holds my attention. Rivalries and cursory friendliness makes me feel like I'm socializing.

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Lol thank god for beta cucks like you it makes me thankful that i didnt choose the path of the faggot for my life

I know this site hates gays now, but I broke up with my first boyfriend tonight. He had a drinking problem that slowly ruined the relationship. I'm a 27 year old loser by the way not a young fag. Sucks since I miss having him around but it's for the best.

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any multiplayer game that requires voip

None, it's over, I fucked up.


End Your Suffering

Literally VRchat

any game that let's me kill an unreasonable amount of enemies

Masturbating for hours on end.
To my understanding this is an actual investment to circumcized people because of excessive lube usage.

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shooting the shit with 2 other people while we wait for OCE servers to fill up in battlefield 3

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Make your parents proud and kill yourself, freak.

Actually my mom loved it.

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Dark Souls

Eh. Grieve for a few months then get back on the horse.

>I know this site hates gays now
Dude I've been on this site for ages this is the most accepting of gays, furries and faggots it has ever been.
