ITT: the most overrated vidya composers

Attached: Yoko-Shimomura-Kingdom-Hearts-Music-1200x958.png (1200x958, 352.19K)

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That's not Soken

is that marky mark? YWNBAW

Takahiro Unisuga

Attached: 6037-1557152843.png (337x337, 194.75K)


Based. Kingdom Hearts has no good music.
her style is unmistakable

Jeremy Soule, Grant Kirkhope, David Wise



Hiroyuki Sawano

That looks like a man

kill yourselves already, amerimutt schizos

OP here, pic actually not related

this gilf

Attached: Michiru_Yamane.jpg (379x375, 30.8K)

>made Legend of Mana and Street Fighter 2
>hurr only le kingdom hearts no epic music!!!
Kill yourselves.

Take it back or I say you have shit taste

whatever happened to that lady accusing jeremy soule of sexual misconduct?

your favourite one

I. win.

She's worked on much more than Kingdom Hearts
Kinda surprised she's more well-known for that than Street Fighter 2.

Nobuo Uematsu
Glenn Stafford
Jesper Kyd
Frank Klepacki

literally one of the best video composers EVER you little freak

Yoko Shimomura isn't overrated, she just hasn't done anything good in 20 years.