Has a videogame ever made you cry?

Has a videogame ever made you cry?

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No I'm not a fucking pussy

i cry a bit with movies and tv shows, but never really vidya. the one exception was mass effect 3. i killed Mordin at the end of the tuchanka mission to cover up the sabotage, which was a really sad scene in of itself, but what hit me even harder was doing the citadel mission where Thane dies right after, especially with how poignant it made his prayer for Shepard.

only LISA

What game?


Looks like the MC from Shadow of Colossus

RDR2 when Arthur tells the nun he's afraid

Omori did

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get that stinky remake out of my way

The last credits song in Shadow of the Colossus made me cry.

I cried a single manly tear when I 100%'ed Elden Ring, and it was simply because I gazed out over The Lands Between, and I realized with a chill that there were simply no more worlds to conquer. Now, the wait for the DLC, I will be crying one single tear for each day that passes with no news from them.

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Why do women always make it about themselves?

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I can get misty eyed, but never cry. Video games stories are never really meant to be taken seriously.


DOA 2 Ultimate made me cry because it was the first time I jerked off and I felt guilty about it.

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Youtube let's players are actors that pretend to be overly enthusiastic about the games they are playing. In professional wrestling, this is refered to as 'selling'.

Not cry, but at the end of SH2, from the videotape reveal to the In Water ending I just felt this deep emptiness that I never really felt ever again in my life. I did however, cry out of anger while drunk trying to get that Lollipop Chainsaw achievement of going up the side of the building without taking damage

It is, this is after your friend throws you to safety.

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>guy with a bag over his head is the first to notice

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Papalymo's death and Ysayle coming back to help save Estinien were both way better than that shit.