I didn't like the Yuffie DLC. Too many tertiary characters that I didn't care for...

I didn't like the Yuffie DLC. Too many tertiary characters that I didn't care for, nor the fucking fanservice "reference" around every corner. Also singing the "du du du du duh duh du du duh" victory theme is really getting old and cringy.

Attached: yuffie.jpg (1010x794, 301.55K)

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Ok but I liked it so checkmate

I had this opinion already when replaying the old game a decade ago

singing the victory theme is also in the main game with Barret

nobody asked

at least there's some good porn with her model (not enough tho)
wish bulging would give her the usual treatment

Yes it made me cringe even then. Enough of that shit already, I'm getting sick of the self-fellating references.

It's an opinion piece. And op-ed column, if you will. A free stance. An expression, if you permit.

What, you telling me you didn't like Billy Bob and Polk? Or the guy with the annoying Chinese name and irrefutibly horrible early 2000s haircut?

>too old to be loli
>too thin to be regularly attractive

You can keep your sticks. I'll keep to Scarlet / Lady M.

That's exactly why I loved it though, the fanservice, it's a game for the fans
Her transformation sequence was amazing
Scarlet was fucking amazing, and the final boss battle against Nero kicked my ass harder than Sephiroth did in the base game
It's an amazing expansion
I can't believe SE is making 3 games plus expansions for FF7 fans, it's fucking glorious


>Japanese dub

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I thought it was great until this fuckboy turned up.

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I fucking hate this shit. I didn't play any of the compilation games so I have no connection with these shitty Kingdom Hearts looking character. Kinda like Vincent Valentine in the original game, they feel like they belong in a completely different franchise. What, is Nomura mentally stuck in the mid 2000s emo culture?

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Only good thing aside from Yuffie. Prove me wrong, you can't.

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You actually played with the English dub?

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None of the new characters are good.
Ok weeb.

Only good parts of it were the Ramuh and Mecha Scarlet fights. Too much gameplay was supplemented by that fucking Fort Condor minigame (yay, more premature references).
They also had a chance to give us more of the cool Upper Plate scenario, but instead we went straight from slums to Shinra corridors, which is also cool but come on, everyone loves the Technoir aesthetics of Upper Plate. Fucking Squeenix.

I'm gonna need some names

I thought the same thing. The themes throughout the DLC had been grunge, industrial and yuffie being lighthearted. Then suddenly you've got bodyhorror, angst and purple goo everywhere. The game would've been dramatically improved if the last boss was just Scarlet in an even bigger mech. Or even Rufus out of nowhere.

>chick with glasses
Hard drop.

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>What, is Nomura mentally stuck in the mid 2000s emo culture?
Have you SEEN Advent Children? The answer is yes.

Hey me too. I thought the game was going to let you dick around on the plate between the station and the shinra building. They must have had the assets to do that.

I love Nayo!

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