Is using rock sling robbing myself of the elden ring experience

Is using rock sling robbing myself of the elden ring experience

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playing elden ring is robbing you of the experience of getting some bitches

I've decided ages ago after I lost a lot of progress from falling through the world (can't remember if it was DeS or DkS1) that I'll take any opportunity that I can get to make every encounter as easy as possible.

The purest way to play any souls game is melee only, solo.

No, not really.
End-game fights are ridiculous. Use whatever you want.

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God fucking damn get the fuck out. If you use anything but the slowest 2 handed melee weapon then you have nothing valid to say about any souls game. If you even once put on a shield or catalyst or pressed a single button outside of R1 and O then you played in journalist mode and your opinion is instantly irrelevant. Get the fuck out go the fuck back.

yeah the purest way to play the game is to disregard 90% of what the character is capable of doing and experiencing. Shut up. I hate this fucking opinion. Reminds me of the people that played Sekiro and didn't use any ninja tools or prosthetics. It's half the fucking fun of the game.

The thing about sorcery is that it's not just easy, it's non-interactive.
There are melee-based strategies that are powerful and make the game easy, but at least you still have to run up and smack the enemy in the face. This means that you will still have to interact with them to some extent.
With sorcery, on the other hand, you can just delete 90% of enemies from a safe distance without ever having to interact with them at all. They might as well be sandbags. Thus, "you didn't beat the game." (Bows are even worse, but people don't use them as often.)

use the other gravity spells too. pulling mobs over cliffs is fun

>Is using rock sling robbing myself of the elden ring experience
I've played through the game with a pure INT build, as well as a STR/FAI build. Haters will tell you that magic is "cheating," but melee is literally not one iota more difficult.

Yes you also have to avoid 50 other tactics and abilities. Normally the devs do the balancing but the Fromsoft B-team trusts you to do it instead. Freaking epic

Enemies read your inputs, so anything to circumvent their half assed AI is fair I say

This is correct. The game is dogshit either way

Autism is so severe I can't tell if this is a shitpost in soulshit.

I've played the game for the past like 60 days, here's what I keep seeing:

>Rock Sling
>Comet Azur
>Rivers of Blood (in a dual katana set up)

Any of these seem like easy mode to be honest.
>Oh boy! A brand new boss. That's what I love about these games, the feeling of dying and feeling like this boss is impossible, I'll never beat it, only to learn the moves, maybe get a little lucky and triumph in the end! There's nothing like that feeling...

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>mist attacks

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reminder that the amulet that increases arrow range also increases rock sling range making it OP as fuck

You're robbing yourself of chasing bosses around massive arenas trying to get a hit in before they move again. Looking at you fire giant you fucking faggot.

Yeah you rob yourself of the experience of bitching and moaning about impossible overdesigned fights (Maliketh) and how enemies read inputs.
I was using Rock Sling up until I got to Malenia, who I then WA'd to death with Rykard's Degenerate Sword or whatever is that thing called.

I use magic, and summons, and all that stuff, cause it's in the game for a reason, and it's fun. :)

You're robbing yourself the experience of bashing your head against a wall trying to fight giant bosses tweaking out on meth.
There is a reason why dex and magic dominate ER's boss fights.


It IS the ER experience.

Playing the DarkSouls way is misery, bosses get so much area denial and counter-punishes at the end that it's horseshit.

Fire Giant:
>Why you looking at me when Elden Beast is right there?

Can't you at least use Torrent for the Fire Giant fight? I'm pretty sure you can.

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Blasphemous Blade. I did that too. Equipped Shard of Alexander, put a fire crystal in my Wondrous Physik, used Golden Vow, then summoned my mimic tear to draw aggro, and stood to the side hammering down L2 for wave after wave of fiery death. EZ

I played both classes in ER and honestly high VIG unga bunga trivializes the game in the same manner. At least with spells you have to watch your spacing and decide which is appropriate for the situation, especially with PVP. I think my INT character was more fun and versatile, which the potential for shit to go south at the drop of a hat more readily.

The only way to make the game hard is to essentially not level and that is for turboautist tryhards.

If you think finding and figuring out powerful tricks to beat your enemies is fun, then have your kind of fun. You get to choose your Elden Ring experience.

Not doing things the hard way means you won't really impress people and have that extra satisfaction, but its on you how you want to have fun.

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I didn't use any of the ninja tools or prosthetics because they're tied to a limited resource that doesn't come back when you die. It takes time to experiment around with them and find what's useful on a particular boss, and just as you're starting to figure out what's good when, you run out of paper dolls. I actually wanted to be a dickass shinobi and find the grimiest ways to use my tools to make my life easier, instead of doing pure L1, but it literally wasn't an option unless I stopped every few deaths to go farm some more shit. Maybe this stops being a problem later on if it's easier to farm the dolls, but by the point I defeated Genichiro, the idea of using tools had been beaten out of me.

I guess I know what you mean. But fighting your dad Owl really made me want to use tools and be a little shit head just like him. So I guess I did grind to get more ammo. Also you can use that one ability to get "free" ammo too. Kind of reminds me of Bloodborne where you damage yourself for some "free" bullets.

I played a pure int character and honestly missed out on Rock Sling and the Meteorite Staff because I hated Caelid and barely explored it.

>seeks validation by impressing others
yea satisfaction comes from actually having fun

Did you find the Sellia town of Sorcery? That place was cool.