Enemy places a debuff on you that lowers your stats

>enemy places a debuff on you that lowers your stats
>this can bring you below equipment stat reqs

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>enemy sees your Benis :DDDD

Ponytail kunoichis are the sexiest.

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Is this the thread?

die pedophile

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>actually it's hebephilia

by your logic playing violent vidya makes you a murderer

They're not real.

>enemy can remove your equipment
>all my equipment give stats that are needed to wear my equipment

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>>all my equipment give stats that are needed to wear my equipment
name literally any game that does this
this doesn't exist

literally every diablo-like game

Bad anime and bad game design


no its >

i just made a clipboard fail its this one actually >

>die pedophile

fuck off nigger

pretty sure it was the case in torchlight, grim dawn and path of exile.

>provides no proof and just names something that isn't true as if the person they're talking to hasn't played those games before, and just has common sense to know nobody would fuck up game design that bad in the first place
no lol

are you being serious? that's really really common

How long are you going to pretend to be retarded, child?

>Enemy steals your equipment
>You have to steal it back
Fucking Disgaea

>Thief steals 50 gold
>Kill thief
>Drops 10 gold

no, your bonus stats from equipment in these games do tend to contribute to your requirements for other equipment so you absolutely do end up in situations where you can't conveniently swap to a new piece that dropped because it means you no longer meet the requirements for another piece you have on.
It's a major fault with these games and it makes organising your gear as you level a pain in the ass.

it's interesting how the browner your skin is the more likely you're a child rapist

He put the rest in his anus and the hero doesn't want to dig deeper

>game contains hidden messages

Attached: bond burgered.png (2202x604, 1.5M)

no, i'm a pedo

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But he's on a quest to collect 10 thief rectums.

Get vaccinated you groomer liberal hypocrite Jew.

King 5head lover

>haha, i posted it again

Attached: 1565209333056.png (348x278, 106.32K)

>have chestpiece
>it gives +10 str
>find helmet
>need your base str +10, exactly, to wear
>it gives +10 str
>find leggings
>it needs your base +20, and also gives +10
>find gloves, needs base +30, gives +10
>find shoes, base +40, gives +10
>find new chest, that requires base +50, and gives +10 as well
>enemy removes literally any piece of your equipment, you suddenly become naked and can't wear anything because you threw out your old chestpiece that allowed you to wear anything in the first place

lol, you faggots think this is real

dumb fucking nigger lover

just shut up and post my cute wife hina

straight shota is the best category. male lolicon is kinda cringe now. so 2010.

does this happen in female protagonist porn games? cause thats kind of hot

Yes. Also I'm the one who accidentally removed my equipment because I am my own worst enemy.