Demon's Souls Remake

What's wrong with it?

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Where to begin?

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nothing. it's the best looking game in the entire PS5 catalog right now.

Not on PC. That's the extent of it.
>inb4 you didn't play the original
I did, and I prefer the remake.
Not worth full price though, buy it on sale. 45-50 bucks for it is worth it.

It’s not on PC so PC fags have to shitpost and nitpick something they can’t play

Comparison from the original?

About the only thing I would change is to allow switching between the new and old OST. Otherwise, it's good.

After Elden Ring? The Demon Souls remake aint so bad

>Remake a game
>Doesn't attempt to restore any cut content
>Does no effprt in actually cooperating with Fronsoft to address the 6th Archstone
>Pre order bonuses and equipment
>Completely butchered the soundtrack
>Completely butchered the voice acting
>Didn't fix certain bad bosses like colossus or phalanx
>Changed the artstyle and color palette completely
It's shit

Attached: Demon's Souls Murky.webm (888x500, 2.75M)

They fucked up a lot of the atmosphere. They changed a lot of the music and enemy sounds to be more epic and less eerie/atmospheric. The judicator fight in particular went from one of my favorite video game encounters to just a shit boss fight.

I wish they had kept the same sounds/enemy designs and just updated the graphics.

a few re-designs are shitty but other than that, it's objectively the best and definitive way to play Demon's Souls

post that pic that btfo Bluepoint trannies

Shills are still trying to sell this game here


I'm playing the objectively better version on pc right now nigger.

It's on ps5 so like 7 people total have played it

What's wrong with Phalanx?

Even if you are objectively correct, From Software referenced the remake soundtrack in Elden Ring over the original.
They literally don't give a single flying fuck about the original.

>What's wrong with MGS TT
>What's wrong with H:CEA
>What's wrong with Samus Returns
>What's wrong with hollywood remakes

disingenuous cunt and probably a shill

But it IS coming to PC, user. Was in an nvidia geforce leak.

Ok... and? The question was what was wrong with the remake, not what's wrong with modern fromsoft.

niggers are delusional? the track is from the remake, i fucking hate the remake with my guts and i play the original every year, stop your copium.

i think it's more that while it looks good it controls like an older third person souls game. if you play elden ring for a few hours and then go back to demon's souls it simply doesn't stand up. all the woke character changes aside, it looks as good as it's contemporaries but plays like an early ps3 title.

Art style and voice actors are fucking garbage.

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literally everything except the graphical QUALITY and gameplay

Did you fucking listen to the song in the video I posted? It's the same fucking theme, it's not unique to the remake. Stop being an obstinate shitposter.

>all the woke character changes aside
Wait what? What did they change?

it sucks

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