I wasn't really there to see the whole thing, what did I miss ?

I wasn't really there to see the whole thing, what did I miss ?
And now that the dust has (probably) settled, was it THAT important ?

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Gaming review/journalism is pretty incestuous. People noticed and other people got mad. The internet was never the same.

If it wasn't big and important, then why were the globalist media and government apparatuses throwing countless of billion of dollars at it? In fact, their throwing all these resources at the issue is what made it so big in the first place. Everyone knows women are whores, and that good reviews are regularly bought, but far fewer were willing to acknowledge the global fake news conspiracy.

The bad guys won in the end. Fuck big tech.

It was dumb
It didn’t do anything but make losers a lot of money on both sides
Fuck off newfag.

Is it me or do the kids of rich people tend to be in gaming shit? Like its such a nothing job they do it for a paycheck. Whats her face was from old money and I think a few more were too.

Same energy

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Props to that guy for trying his damnest to be professional.

It probably led to a media coordination cascade that will result in ww3, that was pretty funny.

I think one positive thing it exposed is gaming journalism as a whole. Literally no one I know trusts places like IGN or anything for reviews anymore because all objectivity has clearly been thrown out the window. Most people only trust aggregate reviews from consumers now, which can be better or worse I suppose.


so she fucked all of them?

Okay, ther rest of these TOTALLY HAPPENED IN REAL LIFE panels at least make a tiny bit of sense conceptually. But what did my man Daryl do to deserve such disrespect?

It's almost like men and women are different creatures that the media has been trying to unite into a single equal 'human' identity.

>preview is BMWF
I'm not even opening that shit.

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It was nerds realizing the existence of the total state in the middle of a (successful) push to consolidate all power over the internet and it's attached culture. By itself it is not significant, but was a wake up call to a lot of people. However since they can't trace this back to the Civil Rights Movement and the Nuremberg trials before that, it's ultimately pointless.

Basically when it started it was just about videogames and Videogame related media/journalism being completely disingenuous and corrupt and controlled by money and politics.

Which real gamer enthusiasts knew about since the 90s but Any Forums was so full of newfags at the time that it came as a complete shock to them when something finally happened to confirm it.

But eventually hyper political faggots that don't even care about games turned the entire internet drama debacle into an actual Left vs Right culture war that by the end had literally nothing at all to do with videogames.

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> one of several
Being this much of a self defeat cuck can not be real

The reaction from mass media kikes is the important bit.
It was like if some kid took a shit on some corporations lawn and then every corporation in the business and beyond hires millions of soldiers and milotaries to burn kids entire country to the ground with nukes.

Obligatory "Daryl did nothing wrong".

That's also why he's the first panel and they escalate. If it was just Daryl, there would probably be no comic. Really though, none of these things are that bad. What's bad is if she were to say no and then they persist and try to convince her still. And would be dumb on their part anyway. There are plenty of bitches out there that are down for some or all of those requests, even from strangers.

I only know about Gamergate because I like Vivian. That is all

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If it makes your mutt blacked fetish addled brain experience some relief, it's majority white guys/girls kissing white reporters

>what did I miss
Gamers shit-stirring the status quo so much that journalists still seethe about it to this day.

Yes, reminder that gamergate caused abortion to be banned in the US. Don't fuck with us gamers, we despise spawnkilling.


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God I hate women so much.

Top: Soul
Bottom: Soulless

Nowadays gaming journalists are desperately trying to convince corporations that it's not the actual gaming audience, but journalists themselves that should be pandered to. See how they insist on an easy mode in every game, everything a gaming journalist writes about and pleads for is a change in the industry that will directly benefit them. And some companies are actually retarded enough to fall for it.

>There are plenty of bitches out there that are down for some or all of those requests, even from strangers.
Yes, the kind of woman who is up for being solicited by a complete stranger on the street for as gangbang/blowjob is a giga whore. Even the most ardent dangerhair legbearded feminist will find it extremely insulting for someone to assume they're a bottom of the barrel whore.

Everyone knew but Depression Quest was so blatant and disgusting with its nepotism which is why it blew up.