What would Blizzard have to do in order to get you to play WoW again? Better transmogs?

What would Blizzard have to do in order to get you to play WoW again? Better transmogs?

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I'm never playing another MMO ever again. They can make Warcraft 4 though, I'd play that.

Remove leveling and end game content

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no. it's over.

If the trial a decade and a half ago didn't convince me, nothing will.
WoW is not a good game and it never was.

what would you do then

No idea. Maybe make it free and open so that I can just roleplay otherwise I doubt I'll touch one of their games ever again. Maybe more tools for that.

I want to BE her

massive dating sim/waifu system

Vanilla (Not Classic), servers reset every 3-6 months.


>hat would Blizzard have to do in order to get you to play WoW again?
Remove Blizzard.

>What would Blizzard have to do in order to get you to play WoW again? Better transmogs?
Retcon WoW to not exist, and create Warcraft 4. They can keep good characters like Garrosh. Sylvanas should remain evil and in charge of the the player controlled undead faction. Human campaign based off either Jaina's group or southern Azeroth. Night Elves shouldn't be part of the Alliance but instead their own faction.

>remove activision
>remove the SJW shit
>remove the SJWs that implemented it
>reverse every change made since WoTLK launch
>remove all "diversity hires", and remove all racial/sex-based hiring practices
>hire entirely for capability, not quotas
That much at a minimum.

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Full vr night elf sex scene

This but with an E in the front.

Made for goblin nani!!!

Breasts too huge, ass too fat
In summary, body too voluptuous

These porn artists just fatten up elves to the point that they are only elves by name.
Fanart was a mistake.

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Re-release vanilla with some QoL changes that were okay from the following expansions. Fire everyone who had a hand in promoting degenerate politics in a video game. Remove faction warfare, limit it to some contested zones, push the social aspect again. Only had time with the game up until wrath, and the game was less social by wrath than when it started. All content would be on the original world map and no flying. People don't play games the same way that they used to, even that probably wouldn't make it better. Two very different groups of players pre and post wrath.

She wasn't built for you bro

Make it mandatory for all male players to play as a human male and get cucked by worgen and orcs.

You posted fanart.
And this thread.

Make it f2p and I may play a little bit.

test too low
in summary, ur gay nigga

I played WoW once for 30 minutes about 15 years ago so probably a lot.

Nothing at this point. Blizzard are beyond pozzed. They'll never be able to come close to something like Shadowbringers, hell not even Heavensward.