Cute and canon!

Cute and canon!

Attached: FYAT8w8XgAIkYoI.jpg (1078x1222, 175.91K)

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>those fucking shadows

Attached: 1364225324223.gif (198x222, 2.49M)

The fuck is going on with those triangular shadows?

>we have shadows at home

Attached: 1557546839838.jpg (1334x750, 89.86K)

how is that even supposed to look when people move?

Attached: 1655249986159.gif (225x183, 830.5K)

>The Art
>The Shadows
>Tekken 3's story
>Leroy and Feng Wei are there
>All the characters have their new designs
this whole thing looks so fucking lazy, if them waiting for this shit to be ready had any effect on the release timing of Tekken 8 I am going to fucking kill Michael Murray

Attached: 1649550226574.jpg (322x348, 32.01K)

>All the characters have their new designs

I was getting ready to say the same thing, it being Tekken 3's story but also having Tekken 7 characters is what really gets me. You also forgot one thing on that list

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the animators could have at least tried to reimagine or adapt the visuals and designs the characters had during Tekken 3 if they gave a shit, but given pretty much everything they've shown (with the exception of some fairly faithful recreations of the charcters moves) there is zero signs of any effort put into this

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Since no one has posted it yet.

Attached: мы живем в обществе.jpg (1920x1080, 477.88K)

>looks like dogshit

of course

>THE KING OF IRON FIST... competition

Attached: 1606504140389.jpg (701x482, 54.2K)

The weird shadows actually look kind of cool in the action sequences. Unfortunately that's where the CG looks its worst so on the whole this thing is a mess.

>making least effort netflix anime in our post-Arcane world

этo ты живeшь в oбщecтвe a я paзocлaл вceм yнивepaм в oкpyгe пo caмoдeльнoй бoмбe и чиллю в лecy

>Wow this looks fucking terrible
>Look at comments
>They all think it's going to be the best thing ever

People have zero standards and will gobble up whatever shit you put in front of them apparently

The shadows only look mega retarded on the air where it's most obvious.
I hate how blocky and sharp the artstyle is. I hate the 3D. I hate the weird shadow stuff. I hate the dub voices (why couldn't they get the english VAs from the actual game??).

What the fuck is up with the shadows, why does everyone have a triangle on their head.

Why does Heihachi sound like some lispy faggot? Literally voiced by the guy who did Mr. Satan and then old Joseph Joestar in japanese but dubfags get this?

it's the same as the Chip and Dale movie, i guess it's all about recognizing whichever character shows up

Why is there a triangle shadow of every character in every scene? Is it an animation error?

whole multiracial cast... set around tekken 3.
Insert instead the dlc black guy from tekken 7.


and wheres Yoshimitsu?

I don't mind Leroy and Feng Wei being there, they can easily include them in the story without it being jarring, but why is Julia in her Tekken 7 outfit? I really fucking hope they don't have her acting like she does in Tekken 7, if she starts mentioning streaming and shit I'm gonna stop watching immediately.

Leroy is way cooler than Eddy. Also no doubt Yoshi will be in somewhere, I doubt the trailer showed all characters that will appear.

i assume the triangles are blockout shadows during production that you remove later on.
Someone in art direction, or a producer probably said it looks cool (and saves a heap), just to keep them in and ship as is.

Eddy also debuted in 3 only to get cucked like this, guess he's not black enough for nigflix because he's Brazilian and not some hoodnigger

no-one likes eddy except those kids who picked eddy (who no-one liked)

which is why they made christie which has 70% of his moveset... sure.

I can't imagine malding this way for over 15 years.

>King of Iron Fist Competition
Why the fuck would you do this?
It's such a small thing, but why change it?

especially when the background art says tournament.

Localizers strike again

why does Paul look so much like a crackhead
everyone else looks fine, but he looks as if he went from a 25 years old to a 55 years old

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>everyone else looks fine

If it's supposed to be T3, then make it look like T3.

Looking forward to watching it honestly. Not much else to watch lately.