What the fuck?

What the fuck?

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all japanese games translation are TRANSlation

But OJ is innocent.

My nigga OJ did nothing wrong. The gloves didn't fit, they should've acquit

so did oj do it or not?

Libs are blind sheep to the media, so it doesn’t matter how retarded and nonsensical a claim is, they’ll believe it if they are told

what the fuck

I think OJ should be let off cause he has a fun name!

Michael Jackson would have been a better example.


Probably, but the state’s case was flawed and you can’t convict for murder on “probably”.

Jews would all have to die before you see him acknowledged, just like Christ. He’s their mortal enemy

He literally said himself that he killed them on national television you fucking idiot. Everyone knows he did it.


>without a scrap of evidence

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Yeah but MJ was actually innocent and was defamed by Jews and Jewish media.

OJ was actually a fucking murderer that killed two white people and got away with it because of his kike lawyers.

Would bet money that the faggot who TRANSlated this had a barmitzvah.

Erika best girl

Is this Kara no Shoujo's sequel?

Ironically Michael himself wanted to be tried in a criminal court in 1993 when his accuser didn’t even want that. Complete opposite of OJ running from cops like a bitch after murdering his wife & her friend.

>Complete opposite of OJ running from cops like a bitch
And threatening to commit suicide the whole way.

To be fair, translating an ultra-niche VN must get boring.