It's disappointing how Any Forums doesn't understand the message

It's disappointing how Any Forums doesn't understand the message
It's not "you're bad because you play violent games"
Spec ops the line reminds you that people love doing violent things
It's call out your hypocrisy
You like play violent games because you do it in your comfortable space, do it for good reasons a games provide you and get praised by game for killing bad people
There is no reason to play violent game if people would hate violence

TL;DR: spec ops' message: people love violence, don't deny it

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it shits on self inserters, plain and simple.

The devs very clearly intended to shame people for enjoying violence.
No point coping about it.

I've never played this game. Don't tell me what to think about it OP

desu its more that you get sucked off for committing violence in the name of America. the problem is like the themes explored in Spec Ops were kinda already touched upon in MW 1 & 2. Even Black Ops did similar shit. Like it thinks itself original but like the very shit it mocks is essentially already acknowledged yeah no it is fucked up. All your left with then is just a playable heart of darkness that's pretty well thought out tho.

>make a game where the only way to progress is killing people

I have always hated this kind ofeta narrative because it expects me to have the same empathetic reaction to pixels on my screen as I would have for real people.

you kinda got spoiled, you're supposed to be hit with this as a revelation and not expect it cuz its a shitty shooter. It deliberately relies on the tropes of shooters so like it can gut punch you when you're just mindlessly shooting shit, you go from arabs to a glownigger to abandoned american soldiers till you're in a weird psychological hellscape. It's a game of pure pathos rather than like logic I guess.

I thought the game was trying to show that real life wars are nothing like a video game or something like that

Spec Ops walked so Undertale can run

most anons are low iq cattle that just follow whatever the other low iq cattle user said, i wouldn't worry too much about what they think about the great work on the human condition that is Spec Ops: The Line

the really pathetic people are the actual fans of the Spec Ops franchise, golly, that is pathetic.

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enjoying violence is a human nature, most games have some sort of violence in them, some of them got popular because they are too violent like MK.
from the dawn of man, there was violence, Cain killed Abel, Romans watched and enjoyed killing in gladiator combat, and today, we watch violent movies and play violent games for fun.

It's our nature, and we can not deny it.

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>not having more empathy for pixel people
NPCs are easy to understand while real people are random as fuck and can go full retard at any moment. Plus you can reload to try out every possible interaction to further your understanding. Can't do the same with irl people and, once again, they're unpredictable. I personally can't emphasize with a random number generator and I don't think you can do that either. At best you're tricking yourself into thinking that you do.

>it's an anti-American war is hell game
I really underestimate how fucking retarded Any Forums is when they can't even keep up with the themes of a fucking video game. It's about video game design you fucking retard. It explicitly tells you this in the loading screens in the last act. You never played this game so you don't know that. There is no war and you spend the majority of it fighting rogue Americans.

Then you admit you're a COD zoomer so you clearly have adhd like every one of you retards that like that series. Stop talking about the "flaws" in stories of games you never played especially when your entire gaming history is playing call of duty while on Ritalin. Fuck you

you're the type of low-iq brown subhuman on the other end of the bell curve that never should have been taught insight

>Ammuicans still angry they don't get to play le epic hero archetpe, and the game call ther shitty interventionist politics and propaganda
Amazing, simply amazing.

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and like in real life the alternative to intervention is to let the sand people butcher each other in endless fucking atrocities

wut? what are you even talking about you mongoloid, I never said that. I was saying they push your comfort of your enemies. Going from arabs, to glownigger, to rogue american soldiers, to like you butchering actual civvies. You're sperg.

oh no, what will i do?

honest to god, who killed more, walker or ellie? Direct kills only, because Walker dooming dubai would push him into outright winning.

i never played TLOU because i'm straight, but I'd say Walker since there's no way you get to kill more enemies in that barbie game than in Spec Ops: The Line.