I got an expensive graphics card for my PC but I've no interest in playing any games

I got an expensive graphics card for my PC but I've no interest in playing any games.

I got a Steam Deck and had more fun tinkering around getting emulation going on it than actually playing video games. I booted up Pokemon Crystal but the nostalgia goggles are gone for me now. It just feels like a chore.

Have I grown out of gaming? I just go to work and sleep lately.

Anyone able to recommend games that got you out of a slump? I really just feel like going back and playing games I know I already like but there seems to be little point in repeating them.

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work on your porn addiction


Just take a break from playing video games and you might get back eventually.

I just finished what content is currently available in Orc Massage. Usually vidya porn doesn't cut it for me.

I also have an Index and beat Half Life Alyx and mostly just use it for Beat Saber now. When I feel like making an attempt at moving around.

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take some drugs wagie

You don't actually like video games.
You like [BRAND] and in this case it's terminal valvecuck disease.
I can guarantee you that you own more than 1k games on Steamingturd, but haven't played more than 20 of them.

>I just go to work and sleep lately.
Nah bro, you just have depression. Get a better job that doesn't make you feel so drained.

I was burned out on video games last year and downloaded a game called Lust: From Beyond from fitgirl and I got instantly hooked for some reason, finished the game in two settings. It got me to try new games from genres I would normally never consider.

Often people play the same shit for years on end and then wonder why they can't enjoy vidya anymore. Try playing something you would normally never had, just stay away from AAA wokeshit games because that's just depressing and will make you want to quit altogether.

Same bro. I’m in a deep slump right now. I hate to say it, but I went back to WoW Classic because my friend pulled me back in. Its pretty embarrassing to say it. Slow year for gaming after Elden ring hype wore off

get a hobby other than gaming. when all youre doing is playing games, buying hardware, posting here, and watching vidya related videos, of course youre going to get burnt out. you need to have something else to occupy your free time and then you will enjoy it more

big ass mood desu

i just play to get in touch with friends but other than that i barely play stuff for myself, gaming feels like a chore at times

There are definitely certain creators I like. I wouldn't say I'm tied to a certain brand though. I do have a lot of steam games however. Here's some of the games I have with the most time put in.

>Nah bro, you just have depression. Get a better job that doesn't make you feel so drained.
Maybe it's depression, but my job pays well and has nice benefits so I really don't want to leave it.

I might try pirating random games just to see if something interests me. Thanks for the idea.

All may hobbies revolve around computers so maybe I'll look into something else. Always wanted to play an instrument but never felt I had any talent for it. Hard to pick up for me.

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Try exploring other hobbies beyond vidya.
Is there anything else you've wanted to try getting into? Now may be the time to do so.

also get your d3 levels checked

If you are older and have been playing games a very long time (20+ years?), you're hitting a nasty wall where you've experienced a significant amount of what new games have to offer. New games are frequently just old ideas with a fresh coat of paint.
Try playing really different stuff you've never experienced across a variety of genres, ideally games that take weird risks. You've probably played some of these already but here's some recommendations:

Tales of Maj'Eyal (roguelike)
Dwarf Fortress (don't need to explain this one)
Amplitude 2003 (rhythm game)
Baba is You (puzzles)
Cloudbuilt (3d high-speed platformer)
Hacknet or alternatively Uplink (hacking puzzles)
I Wanna Be The Guy/I Wanna Be The Boshy/Wings of Vi (bullshit difficult platformers)

Just try and branch out more and maybe take a break from games for awhile.

You've grown out of games.

I mostly played shooters, first and third, and was tired of games. These two got me excited about games again, what with the free form control and music in Infinite Air and the commentators and familiar 3-click swing in PGA Tour

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maybe game any other game besides fucking pokemon before doomposting

keep working and buying shit you don't need and resell it for half the price for us NEETs to enjoy.

>It just feels like a chore.
>I just go to work and sleep lately.
Capitalism has alienated you from your labor, and it's sapping your will to live.