How do you feel about game composers who sample?

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daft punk can win grammys for sampling
so why should game composers be held at a different standard?

We all stand on the shoulders of giants

Hey, that's really cool.

I think it's funny how peabrains just kind of assumed these noises were willed into existence until just recently.

Don't see any problem with it. It's as much a musical choice as anything else.

I don't care. Copyright law is a cancer on culture. If you make something I like, I could care less where you got the materials.

>I think it's funny how peabrains just kind of assumed these noises were willed into existence until just recently.
"Peabrains", really? Are you trying to compensate for something because you knew and someone else didn't? I will never understand people who act like you do--sure it's no surprise the sounds sampled weren't MADE by Akira Yamaoka but it is possible for someone to create them, that's how they came into existence in the first place. I really cannot understand what you even mean other than to belittle people who are ignorant to something so obscure or niche, it makes you sound really jaded with a complex of some kind.
@ 51 seconds
if anyone can find where this sample originally came from that'd be great
the closest I've come to finding the original is this
but this doesn't seem to be the original source since it's dated 2006

I'm just mildly annoyed when actual NPCs say shit like "why couldn't they just make their own music from scratch?" as if Koji Kondo was just supposed to do field recordings in Africa of tribal chanting for Ocarina's soundtrack.

I am 2 minutes in and all the samples seem to have been used in a way where its hardly noticeable.
Now if it were plagarizing off another song, then there'd be an issue. Samples exist to be used for other things, otherwise they wouldn't have much value. If anyone wants to be surprised, go look at what samples Nintendo used for the Super Mario 64 textures.

Insect races don't see anything wrong with plagiarism.

i feel nothing, it's a tool as legitimate as any other
especially in cases like these where audio is sourced from sample pack CDs explicitly released for this purpose

I'll take a plagiarist over a racist any day.

ive heard that electroglurp sample somewhere else and its driving me crazy because i cant place it.

I got bad news for you then.

desu it did kind of lessen my impression of yamaoka a bit when I was made aware, his compositions were good but the ambient tracks were what felt like genius to me, just ripping those out of the ether.

nevermind. after some deep comment scrolling, someone else pointed it out.

>I'm just mildly annoyed when actual NPCs say shit like "why couldn't they just make their own music from scratch?" as if Koji Kondo was just supposed to do field recordings in Africa of tribal chanting for Ocarina's soundtrack.
See, when you put it like that you seem far more reasonable; I can understand that and it seems like you've had to deal with that before.

All electronic music is samples of sounds lol

>What has been will be again,
>what has been done will be done again
>there is nothing new under the sun.
Ecclesiastes 1:9

Lookup death dynamic shroud and you will understand sampling is an art. Yamaoka is just so natural that you barely notice. Where as DDS is trying to play with it and even make it obvious they sampled for the fun. You see it is not easy by any means. Can't even compare to plagiarism.