Officially removes the milkers and booty of ALL watchknights in the game

>officially removes the milkers and booty of ALL watchknights in the game
Why are game developers so afraid of the female body, especially when it was perfectly acceptable 8 years ago?

Attached: got_milk.jpg (1932x1080, 552K)

Other urls found in this thread:

you know why

Attached: niggers who whine about coomers.png (1174x988, 140.73K)

I have a theory I havent seen yet. I cant imagine any government liking their populace wanting to sit at home and play video games all day instead of dying for their country, so they have a vested interest in making games shitty to drive people away from them. Its a work in progress, but I cant shake that thought

Attached: download.jpg (976x863, 315.16K)

Theories like this work until you realize that in order for them to be true a government agency would have to be competent.

The reality is the game companies got too big and stopped being art projects designed by a couple of artists and became products designed by a machine (and largely put in play by those same artists who are now burnt out and leave the industry after like one title). The current trend in the machine is to just submit to 80's style extreme conservatism, Nancy and Tipper would be proud of twitter "leftists". It'll bend back, it always does.

>extreme conservatism
it's not conserving anything or putting anything back to 'the way it was' it's just the greedy gouging out the eyes of the artistic vision.

so when someone comes along with a truck full of money and says "make it ugly the way i want it to be, so it fits my ideological bent" all the greedy shit-for-brains who only measure value by money will say "GIB DAT GREEN"

and thus we all fall down a little bit further as the artistic statue made with care, is smashed on the ground by "business" "people"

what fucking game even is this

Looks like Guild Wars 2, which is honestly a good home for your ESL ass if you're interested in trying it out.

Do devs just not like money? I genuinely feel like they hate money.

how is what i said ESL-y?

Attached: 1435175388186.jpg (170x170, 17.25K)

the fights not even as good as people remembered, basically 15 minutes of fighting trash and hoping the other lanes arent shit

Is it weird to say her tits make her more threatening?

>that last tweet

At least it's self aware.

Damn now I can titty fuck it's no tits without getting my dick torn to shreds

esl here

i think its "what fucking game is this even"

what game?

Both are correct.

nothing some people just don't understand colloquialism.

Guild Wars 2 apparently

they like money, just not yours

Attached: 1644517120267.png (1344x585, 159.35K)

its the dutch angle thats making it more intimidating

The game that somehow keeps getting worse. What a disaster.

Attached: 1456974302370.jpg (3150x2910, 1.51M)

>if sex is just a fringe aspect… isn’t it more appropriate to judge it on the basis of everything it does?

Incredible self hating trans argument there. My god. He’s gone and done it. Just absolutely undermined the whole thing with one question.

Left made me interested in what game it is, sadly the existence of right made sure I will avoid any product from this company for the rest of my life

Attached: I never asked for this.gif (500x209, 878.28K)

The most ironic thing about this image is that it was back in 2013 that they made the 'big titty' version of the OP image. They had the inclusive stuff but were also going balls to the wall with the sexual objectification