Lets see em


lets see em

Attached: ROR tier list.png (1181x439, 188.56K)

>mul-t D
>when he is literally the most braindead and overpowered character when using dual nailgun

they nerfed the shit out of him, hes impossible to do any damage with

his strength is proc rates and as far as i know he's still op unless they did a stealth nerf in one of the post dlc patches

>Acrid that high-up
He's pretty meh unless you get that lunar heat-seeking missiles as his primary attack.

Attached: acrid.png (570x666, 617.05K)

>needing a primary

just take a purity and shit out blight for days

is poison or blight better

Poison is great for bosses and general mid/late-game enemies because of the max hp % dmg, can't deliver killing blows
Blight is good good early on, that's pretty much it
>bro, just take this rare lunar item to make X viable
Like I said, acrid is very meh

Loader is S but not because she's fun, only because she's effective. She's essentially "press shift to win".

Mercenary is not S, I'd put him at B at best. Abusing Iframes is the only way to succeed as him later in the game.

Acrid is ok, because poison is strong as fuck. A tier.

Bandit is meh, Low B/High C tier. His passive is useless after one loop, his abilities are lackluster and he's only overpowered when you get desperado with 2 purities.

Railgunner is S tier because they went overboard with her numbers. Too much proc coefficient and the downside of having to wait after her supercharge is literally null after getting a few syringes since they also speed up the recharge rate.

Engineer was strong but is already getting weaker and is gonna keep getting weaker the more items there are in the game. His entire strength is based on stacking one specific item, but the more diluted the item pool gets the less likely you'll have a bungus filled run. His mobile turrets don't even sprint on vanilla so they can't use the dungus either. C tier on most runs, A/B with bungus.

Void Fiend is too lackluster. C tier.

Artificer fucking sucks. D tier.

Captain is overpowered, lots of proc and hacking beacons are op. Nuke is also very fun. A tier, borderline S tier.

REX is gimmicky but also a casual filter. He's fun. A/B tier.

Commando is C only because he's not that bad, just not that good either.

MUL-T is S tier. Dual nailgun decimates, especially with rapidly increasing bleed stacks.

Huntress is B/C tier. Good with crit builds.

Attached: Screenshot 2022-07-19 at 19-31-22 Create a Risk of Rain 2 Survivors - Void DLC Updated Tier List.png (505x431, 212.12K)

for vanilla obviously, as mods are an entirely different beast.

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there’s hours of autistic analysis on youtube trying to find that out but the short answer is that blight can stack and scales with attack damage while poison doesn’t but consistently scales with enemy hp. Blight can way outperform with good items and aggressive applying while poison let’s you play safer and more passively, which is better in MP since it can’t kill on its own.

Blight is also worse against Mithrix because of his meme armor mechanic but Mirthix is easymode anyway.

By the time blight surpasses poison you should have obliterated already so it's kind of moot.

blight is completely useless in 100% of scenarios.

is there any way to make >ourgirl artificer good.
she deserves better

besides speedrunning, what makes loader better than railgunner, who is just loader with infinite range?


innate armor, unmatched mobility and much better aoe options like thunder gauntlet and thunderslam

speedrunning IS the game.
difficulty scales exponentially with time spent, and loader clears stages so fast other survivors might as well be standing still meaning enemies simply cannot catch up to your scaling, even on monsoon (or modded meme difficulties).
basically, if you're playing loader correctly not only are you playing the best survivor in the game with obscene mobility, insane sustain, and retardedly high damage both single target and aoe, but enemies will be so weak you might as well be on drizzle.
she's in a league of her own.

so just speedrunning, got it

Again, innate armor, way better movement and crowd control is surviviability that railgunner (and most other survivors) just don’t have. Shit picking up a goat hoof even once in your life could tell you that much. Please actually read the posts of people who bother to waste time replying to you.