ITT: We try to recreate video game enemies with AI

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Fuck AI and fuck whoever supports its development. Aside from obvious horrors of failing to keeping it in check in the future, you're also in for a new generation of media on a whole new level of soulless before humanity's demise. On the other hand, that could be a good thing, the faster this idiotic industry crashes into the ground the better.

Goomba haha

everybody's talking bout bugsnax

ayo dis little nigga creepy doe frfr

ok luddite

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site link NIGGER

Getting something even close to that water steamroller pikmin boss is fucking impossible

Bicycle shedding faggotry.

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I, for one, welcome our new entertainment robot overlords.
>give it a prompt and it shits out a book to your exact liking
>generates new music by long dead bands
>renders the political landscape so completely unreadable with realistic fakes of video and audio that people just stop giving a shit

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That's a good headcrab.

Midjourney. It's in open beta rn


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>it shits out a book of your exact liking
not in our lifetimes. what makes a book likable to you in particular cannot be conveyed to a neural network. it does not see jokes or clever allegories - just "the brown box" and "tumbles down the side of the road".

>generates new music by long dead bands
there is not nearly enough data that could be gathered from any one band to create an even vaguely accurate profile on what their songs sounded like. it would require thousands of samples - thousands of songs. and this dead band better not have experimented with different genres of music - or it's just going to sound like a strange blend of it all.

>renders the political landscape with realistic fakes and video that people just stop giving a shit
you do not go on social media enough. keep it that way.

that all being said i support these AI developments. especially with text generation - we've essentially condensed most of human knowledge into a bot that can relay it back to us just by asking.