Why does every user on Any Forums seem to hate Doom Eternal

Why does every user on Any Forums seem to hate Doom Eternal
Recently got through playing the game again to see what the fuss was about, but was met with a pretty good experience
why does everyone here seem to hate it? Whats wrong with the game?

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user, we hate it because it's popular

Because they got filtered.

nudoom is reddit

Don't you have to have a bethesda account to play it? I've been avoiding bc of that, and bc my backlog is huge rn.

Shitters got filtered because they couldn’t gauss cannon siege mode their way through the entire game

Too old to have reflexes in game

A bad final boss can sour the whole experience, I've found, and I didn't enjoy fighting the Icon of Sin at all.

I don't hate it, but I liked 2016 more for some reason.

Cause 2016 was better in everything but gameplay.

unironically because they are bad at it lol
everyone I've talked to who enjoyed boomerdoom went apeshit over eternal and old gods pt 1 not part 2 kek what a dumpster fire
how much fun you have with the game scales directly with how good you are at it

2016 was categorically inferior lmao

His content made me hate it by association

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nah, opinions are split, but that's just Any Forums for you, contrarianism on top of contrarianism.
was it his video on halo that made you hate him?

Same, tho I can tell you the reason is that 2016 had better tone and presentation and that made it more exciting, whereas Eternal was a parody of itself 60% of the time and that made the action less summer blockbuster hype-feeling and more Wile E Coyote versus Roadrunner.

nah the style meter and ultrakill reviews made me REALLY hate him

his reviews on other games are always dogshit, he is only good at hard sucking Doom Eternal off, he cant even suck off any other Doom game (like 2016) he ONLY likes Doom Eternal

that video was not good, understandable.

>he cant even suck off any other Doom game (like 2016) he ONLY likes Doom Eternal
he has praised classic DOOM (and played alien vendetta on stream before, which if you're out of the loop, is one of the first truly great megawads) and praised 2016 alot as a return to classic FPS.

Didnt know all that, to be truthful I could not get past the beginning of his "Doom Eternal is BETTER then Doom2016" without cringing myself into oblivion

I just can not stand him outside of Doom Eternal specific videos and even then he is only barely tolerable, its like every since he got popular from his Marauder video he thinks he can only get views from being A. Suuuuper into the gameplay loop of DE to a fetish type degree and B. Incredibly negative all the time

His recent video on Blasphemous isn't any better. The guy outright says that parrying isn't good mechanics and doesn't make a good combat system, since after his video bashing Sekiro for having to master the parry, he got called a casual. He's spiteful as fuck. Even more so in him comment section when he gets overly defensive about his video.

>praised 2016 alot as a return to classic FPS.
So he's clueless?

I liked the second DLC, but it has a bad final boss and is poorly balanced. The grapple points and new enemies were all great.

>Actual anons ITT hating a game because of some streamer faggot.
I wish I could hate you all to death. Doom Eternal is easily one of the best fucking shooters in recent years and to hate it because other people like it is fucking retarded, gay, and fucking stupid. Of course reddit, jewtubers and other faggots are going to also like nudoom because it's a FUCKING GOOD GAME.

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This might be the case. I generally loved that they amped up the difficulty in Etenral, but everything else felt off. 2016 was just more enjoyable to me and I have more fond memories of it.

popular = bad

it fair not to like his eternal favoritism, though its ideal to be against what he actually says, rather than what you think he says.
in some ways it is, and the return of classic FPS when it did was 100% from 2016.