
why did they give the snakes tits in xcom
not that I'm complaining

Attached: xcom viper.jpg (850x1076, 168.8K)

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Not sure. Should've given them feet instead since boobs are overrated.

It's very simple.

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symbolism of how females got tempted by the serpent in the Bible
so they represent females being instruments of the serpent

same reason they gave cassopiea tits in lol

Ssssex sells

so you could make a coomer bait thread of course! please promptly blow your brains out


They needed a place to store their excess venom

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They knew what they were doing when the snakes were given tiddies

Attached: 1534859360066.jpg (780x1950, 307.29K)

The guy who created them actually made a statement saying he had no idea it would turn out this way or that people would want to fuck them. It completely took him by surprise.

no it didnt

Their part human, I guess they just wanted to flip it from the first game having them be humanlike men

>that terribly written Xcom 2 spin off confirmed Viper stripclubs


most people use it for porn but i think its kind of funny to embed shitposts in random images so one day someone's just going to post the same thing and people with the thirdeye are going to wonder why this retard is posting videos of a guy saying "ARRGH I HATE NIGGERS" with no context

I'll allow it.

>everyone ignores the actual ingame explanation that they are reptilian aliens spliced with human dna so they got tatas from being part mammal.

Woah woah you remember link about that statement?

>it's another lose-will-to-finish-campaign-when-you-start-steamrolling episode
>it's another abuse the shit out of Reapers episode
>it's another get punished hard for playing aggressively and get rewarded for playing like a pussy episode

quick fix the pod system in three changes or less



3 grenadiers with 3 rocket launchers using plasma rockets

No more males within their species. They're stranded on earth and are forced to mate with humans to survive as a species.


based elders
fuck white women
acquire snussy

Hey guys, it's okay, they didn't know

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