How long did you play this?

How long did you play this?

Attached: gtaonline.jpg (275x183, 15.02K)

I used cheat engine for infinite money with my friend until I got my account suspended for using slurs at people who joined our private races. Haven’t picked it up after my suspension ended

15 minutes. Then I got filtered because I saw nobody plays it but children and turd worlders

Longer than any respectable person should.

Like a week, got mic banned for talking shit to some young faggots who were talking shit first. Guess I hurt their feelings :(

stayed for the heists, did any freemode shit in a solo lobby

Attached: heists.png (230x354, 152.82K)

cheat engine never worked, retard

still play it every once in a while. mostly when a new update comes out. speaking of which, next one is coming out real soon. how much you mf got saved?

2000 hours
at the end I was just grinding bogdan to buy all my shit back after a ban until the game glitched and I had to do the setups
I can't be bothered to try to do them with randoms
It's a pain and I've suffered 2000hours worth of retards who can't follow simple instructions, probably in their own language btw, and die outside of cover like retards

I already got everything I want and more, and I never cheated nor felt I was doing an autistic grind of some sort. Only at the beginning, where I had to export cars in order to save some money to get a company to do heists. But it was like 10 hours total of casual grinding with a friend and the business is still somewhat profitable if I decide to go back at it for fun.

Except it did retard. I gave myself like half a billion dollars using the LS customs cheat engine bullshit

this and changing the race payouts

1500 hours

Also I gave myself XP, not just money

gotcha, say goodbye to your account, lynx

Can you play it solo or do you need friends?

You can play it solo and use matchmaking to do heists, but it's always better to find people in the discord server.

Like I give a fuck. Suck my dick

>can't finish all my achievements because it's impossible to do the doomsday heist ones with randoms
How long until casuals quit this shit and the only people left are people who know what they're doing?


00h 00m 00s
fuck multiplayer and fuck this game

Attached: knowshwtahesdoin.png (832x767, 134.4K)

Before you started being labeled as a griefer for blowing up other people's cars. So for the first couple of months.

you don't need friends to grief and troll

I played for a very short time. I threw a grenade at some people trying to "film" something and got yelled at. I wasn't interested after that.

its griefer kino, there hasnt been any game as good for making other people seethe than this one. getting on my oppressor or deluxo and running after people doing missions then killing them over and over was peak fun
greatest thing was when they would give up irl and their character would stop moving