Video game loot boxes are NOT gambling

Video game loot boxes are NOT gambling.

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Sounds like they want some ESRB thing, that was the big deal when it was made, the government basically said regulate it or we will regulate it for you.

Unregulated gambling is bad.

>Video game loot boxes are NOT gambling.
Correct, they are worse because gambling typically means you are risking money to get exponentially more money and not worthless digital assets.

Depends on the country


Gambling is leftist. Banning gambling is true conservatism.

Only the government can protect the ignorant.

This user is a Jew

Why is that? Give a serious answer now please, explain your position.

They are and they need to be banned fuck vidya publishers they need to be taken down a notch

kys unironically

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There is zero benefit to the consumer. I hate the consumer market so much, it's unreal.

>exponentially more
What do you mean by that?

If people desire it then there is some level of benefit there, it might not be healthy for them but neither are alcohol or cigarettes.

People routinely gamble a few dollars on scratch tickets hoping to get millions.

>carrying a butterknife is a crime
>digital gambling isn't
United States had to learn from someone.

>the practice of risking money or other stakes in a game or bet
very interesting

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Ok that's what I thought you meant, so you're a retarded nigger using words you don't know the meaning of.

is it the UK that has those slot machines or whatever in all their pubs or am I thinking of another shithole country?

i'm generally against government intervention but there are rare times when it's needed and this is one of them

I would say maybe intervention on DLC prices in general as well but the problem there is that somebody has to make the call on what's reasonably priced expansion content and what's money grubbing bullshit and that somebody will be a government censor giving preferential treatment to games that promote the parties politics (or more realistically these days that promote progressive politics regardless of who is actually in power) but there's no such risk with lootboxs and gacha, either a game has it or it doesn't

That'd unironically be perfectly fine. Any gambling mechanic like gacha or lootboxes automatically makes your game AO rated, Adults Only.
If you're going to do that shit, you're going to forfeit your stocking in most retail stores, and online stores will always force warnings on the person viewing the listing, making sure they know that your shit is Adults Only, just like porn.

Pretty sure you are still allowed a slot machine in pubs here in Australia but they have to be sort of sequestered away and I don't think many pubs bother anymore

Please explain how they're not, because they seem to be very similar to a one-armed bandit at a casino where you put money in, it spins it's faces and gives you nothing