Which JRPG(s) should I play to try to get into the genre?

Which JRPG(s) should I play to try to get into the genre?

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Paper Mario 64 is a great one to start with.

It's too late. The only way to tolerate JRPGarbage is if you grew up with it.

Final Fantasy 2. :^)

Chrono Cross because the combat is actually fun, the rest is phenomenal but the main thing is the combat isn't boring

Bravely Default 1/Second/2
Octopath Traveler
Crystal Project
Dragon Quest 8/11

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Chrono Trigger.

Persona 5 Royal, it’s easy as shit but it has the most polished turn based combat in the industry and it’s really fast paced

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I'm not sure if you could have posted a more unappealing collage of games

FF6 is a classic. Try panzer dragoon saga and mother 3 also.
bad bait
Actual decent responses.

Is FF6 the sort of game you can just pick up and play, or is it full of boomer design that you have to adjust to? Tried to play FF7 a couple times but couldn’t get into it.

Any thtat looks interesting to you.

You probably wouldn't like ff6 if you couldn't get into ff7

Trails of cold steel 1-4 you can set it to fast and auto

Wizardry: Proving Grounds of the Mad Overlord

Came here to say this, definitely start with this one OP. It's not particularly hard and the battle system isn't all that complicated, however it's still fun and the art style makes it hold up really well. It also doesn't overstay its welcome, it won't be a 120 hour slog unless you want it to be (and I don't know why anyone would).

For zoom zooms, I would say FF7 Remake. It has all the flashiness of modern games and it's action oriented enough to appeal to a person who never touched turn based games.

An older boomer who simply missed out, there is always Chrono Trigger. It's short, easy and no filler bullshit that plagues most SNES and early Playstation titles.

not played a single one of those games
tell me what i';m missing out on


It’s Apple exclusive, so what? It’s good.

ff6 is a game you need to keep playing or you will forget what to do and where you are going
i think ff6 is much better than 7 but it's also more complicated

What is "boomer design" that you would have to get used to? I'm 18 and never had a problem with FF6, played it first time when I was 13.

Trails in the Sky