Any RTS games with a good campaign?

Any RTS games with a good campaign?
dont say starcraft pls

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Pandaball : 3
Ah, sorry I don't know shit about that

Dune 2

basically none. they are far worse SP-wise than most action games with terrible pacing with downtime, dogshit AI (that just cheats), or most missions being shitty puzzles.

I'd recommend older RTS games on the value alone of the mission design being simpler and less bloated as opposed to newer ones in the Relic era. Stuff like CnC, Total Annihilation, or Age of Empires.

stronghold crusader

Tiberian Sun

Warcraft 3. Original one.

I liked dawn of war's campaign
I don't really play rts games though

Spellforce 1 and 3

Why do the chinese eat them?

Company of Heroes 1, Homeworld

I really really like this picture. Thanks a lot.

You can save it if you want.

World in Conflict

Yeah, and Red Alert 2, too.

those are pandas

>dawn of war 1 and 2
including soulstorm, it's a mess, but a fun mess
sequel is a disgrace to rts genre
>supcom: fa and supcom2
yes, including 2, fuck contrarians
>red alert 3 and c&c: tiberium wars
>homeworld 1 and 2
just ignore the remaster
>universe at war: earth assault
>earth 2150\2160
>rise of legends
>lotr battle for middle earth
>motherfucking perimeter
Though i heard the plot was cut down in english localization

arent the supcom campaigns just extended tutorials?

Maybe first one, that was bland indeed. Forged alliance is more like a puzzle. Which you beat everytime with a hammer until it cracks open.
Every single player RTS is more or less like that, difference is in how motivated are you to do so. Games from the list give you enough reason to keep doing this. There are more of course, like AoE3 and Cossacks, also submarine titans were fun for some time.
I would recommend sins of a solar empire on top of that, but it has a "plot" consisting of a single intro.

>submarine titans
my first ever PC game, sad that barely anyone knows about it

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You are in for a surprise. It got a gog release not that long ago, lots of people were introduced to it now that it runs decently on modern machines.