I get it now... I finally understand why nu-doom and Doom 3 just can't compete..

It's cuz their shotguns fucking suck

Attached: Dewm.png (720x1080, 1.59M)

Also glory kills really didn't do nu-doom any favours, putting the enemies in stun states even with GK highlight turned off still sucks.

the SSG is really nice in nu-DOOM, specially the meathook

Attached: my shitty taste.png (1140x817, 708.9K)

I never played Nu-doom 2, I only played the first one because I thought the sequel looked wank.

it certainly doesn't have the atmosphere, but once you play it and learn the mechanics, it really is such an amazing FPS, though the bosses suck.

DPS issue.
Poser list.

Why are almost all the levels in Doom 2 complete garbage?

what's wrong with it?

>EA showelvare with no content in the same tier as eternal
>2016 just one tier below eternal

ULTRAKILL is not done,that's fair, but it's bosses are so good (something the FPS genre struggles in alot) that it earns the spot.

Bosses and movement are the only noteworthy things about the game. And while the good movement is always appreciated I don't think anyone sane plays shooters for boss fights.

>I don't think anyone sane plays shooters for boss fights.
but that's what makes ultrakill so good cause they get it right while games like DE and most normal boomershooters have total shit in comparison.

DOOM is raw unpasteurized full fat farm raised milk
nu-DOOM is ultra pasteurized reduced fat lactase added goytamins enriched lab designed onions supplemented """milk"""

IDK why people dislike Doom 1 and 2 or bash it in favor of the new ones. It's genuinely fun and still holds up thanks to the sourceports and an almost infinite amount of quality wads. It's comfy to just sip some coffee and go through some levels that vary from eye catching to awesome fights. I highly recommend to anybody starting out to play through all commercial wads first so you can enjoy shit like Blood Geometry in Sunlust.

Attached: 1648524841419.gif (480x270, 1.34M)

Romero was too busy deathmatching to do a good job

S-tier needs to be updated.

Attached: 6S6Jh6Gl.jpg (640x400, 47.93K)

If good bosses are the only thing it can offer then it's a shit game. And they only make up for a small part of it anyway. Most of the time you will be fighting docile enemies in poorly designed arenas.

>IDK why people dislike Doom 1 and 2 or bash it in favor of the new ones.
because pretending to be retarded is """"funny""""

i tried it and was uninterested.
the normal levels are great too, but the bosses are what make it S-tier.

Oh ok. Opinions discarded.

If non threat enemies and hallways are great then you're indeed a poser. Do you even have gold skins in Eternal?

he's an obvious shill