ITT: Games NO ONE dislikes

ITT: Games NO ONE dislikes

Attached: portal.png (1200x386, 28.91K)

It sucks.

shit game

You're no-one

He said portal not your momma

not too fond of portal

cancerboring game wym

The cake is a lie xd

Pretty boring game.


Attached: fifa2022.png (512x512, 175K)

i would rather stick my head in a pot with boiling water than play this again

fifa isn't that bad, user

Redditors come here and think being a contrarian is fitting in

This game was a triumph, a huge success dare I say.

Attached: mirrorsedge.jpg (264x370, 24.8K)

I don't dislike it but I don't care for the revisionist meme that it's a perfect video game. It's flaw is that its boring. Outside of the extremely niche community of competitive Tetris players, no one plays it for more than 10 minutes. People never think "damn I sure feel like playing Tetris right now". It might be a perfect design but it is not appealing to play. Being hardly thought about despite being played by practically everyone is worse than being outright disliked in my opinion.

didn't grip me enough to finish it so I guess that counts as dislike

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