Do playing video games lead to antisocial behavior and how can we stop it?

Do playing video games lead to antisocial behavior and how can we stop it?

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i think unfortunate circumstances cause an individual to isolate themselves. exacerbated by bully scum, retards are quick to point their fingers at the ways they cope, rather than why they cope.

the internet has done more damage to society than video games ever hoped to do and i'm tired of people from all sides of political spectrum pretending otherwise

I think there's a real chance I wouldn't have turned out such a loser if my addictive personality wasn't enabled by video games providing effortless escapism. I'd still probably be a loser if htey didn't exist but I might have a semblance of a social life.
So yes, ban video games for anyone under the age of 30. If they don't have their life together by then, have the government lock them in 30x30 feet cubes with video games and food to keep them from polluting society with their presence. Everyone will be better off.

That is an edit, right?

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Nigger thats retarded you really on your shit gov to reculate a giant market like that man you stupid

Honestly, I think it has more to with nobody wants to acknowledge how society's social structure is inherently flawed and just blame it on things that are popular topics at the time, like videogames and social media.

Addictive personality disorder is something that would have happen regardless of video games its just the latest scape goats boomers and coomed brained Any Forums troons use to blame rather than actually trying to improve the situation or their lives ,at the end of the day its about control and self dessipline one day can be dedicated to paly vidya , tha other can be for doing arants or interact with friends or run to the park , micro manage your days , people can still play games and be sociable

And than what ? You have an antisocial personality you would gone for films or books or alcohol or anime , an addictive personality is still addictive personality you wouldnt have changed if vidya was banned ,so maybe the cia glow in the dark nigger should hunt you down and skin you rather than punishing the whole population for a few retards like you who lack self control

>ban everything for everyone else because I as an individual have zero self control
autism speaks

Sad fucking people go outside and smoke a weed or something

Due to the pandamic and the lack of human contact people reliad on video games for confort and sociability ,and they are surprised that their kids became shuttings due too all the zoom calls and ipad skip calls ,nothing will replace face to face interaction for children or people in general

Oh yes, the horrible Gamergate. How can we ever forget the terror and cold efficiency we saw back in those days from a bunch of guys wanting better and more transparent video game "journalism"

>the manosphere
How can you take any of this seriously?

Attached: kek.gif (346x244, 3.59M)

Nuke all Amerimutts
>Eradicate them all
Nuke all Amerimutts
>Eradicate them all
Nuke all Amerimutts
>Eradicate them all
Nuke all Amerimutts
>Eradicate them all
Nuke all Amerimutts
>Eradicate them all
Nuke all Amerimutts
>Eradicate them all
Nuke all Amerimutts
>Eradicate them all
Nuke all Amerimutts
>Eradicate them all
Nuke all Amerimutts
>Eradicate them all
Nuke all Amerimutts
>Eradicate them all
Nuke all Amerimutts
>Eradicate them all
Nuke all Amerimutts
>Eradicate them all
Nuke all Amerimutts
>Eradicate them all
Nuke all Amerimutts
>Eradicate them all

That was true for maybe three days. Most of it was losers harassing people because they dared push back.

The manosphere is just people wearing costume to watch the minion movie rise of gru

As an adult it's fine because i have the emotionnal backbone and experience to deal with less human contact, it doesn't make me crazy since i'm used to it. But for a kid, this shit must be devastating, they will end up emotionaly and socially retarded by the time they need to find a job

>Bug corp soft sell muh white supremacists side
>All games are heavily speech controlled
>All games keep making scams event pandering to trannies
>All games keep putting muh strong and independant women, black or weird mental illness to get brownie point
>If the character is white, they make it gay
>Have diversity charts to actually measure how woke you are
>All social medias slaves is directed to say yes to them

>Bug corp soft sell muh white supremacists side

I fucking hate trannies, predditors can't even claim them being pedophiles without being censored

True though its only in americracker nation and americracker influenced nation that are infected by that

This. The whole thing turned to shit almost immediately.

If videogames didn't exist I'd just be shutin all day reading books instead, like I did before I got into gaming.
If anything vidya is the only reason I have the few friends I do, I wouldn't have become friends or really had anything to relate to them or talk to them about.

>the internet
Social media, you mean. This shit wasn't a problem when the only people on the internet were shut-in losers.

No argument here, but treating some mean comments as this big, organized hateful push is just laughable.
You'd think GG was some kind of holocaust, never to be forgotten and the threat of it happening again always looming just out of sight lest we keep ever being vigilant.
I guess in some ways, it's quite similar.

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when are (((they))) just going to outright call for white genocide? We all know thats what they really want

GamerGate was just calling out journalists/video game devs for doing shifty shit, who then turned around and threw a shitfit when their 20+ articles of "Gamers are dead" didn't do anything.