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>literally cried on video because people didn't gave a shit about his non-TF2 videos as much as his TF2 vids with Jerma

lost all respect for him at that point

Wait, Ster is back?


every week or so he streams about making a dnd game. He also played overwatch recently.

Starts around 4:10


He peeked with Jerma is mad

God what a fucking baby
>What do you MEAN my video about a niche Syfy Original movie doesn't do as well as me playing a video game with Jerma???
Like no shit you retard, people subscribed to you because you play video games. If you want to pivot your channel to longform content then that's great, and I actually really liked that longform content too. But you can't expect that longform content to surpass your bread & butter videos.

Jerma was always the funnier guy.

V approved e celebs

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They could easily surpass those videos if he just kept making them and didn't let people discourage him. A lot of gaming youtubers went through this successfully because they didn't immediately give up the moment they got a little bit of negative feedback.

What's even weirder is that his non-tf2 videos do decent numbers too so I don't understand what the fuck his point was.

Reminder he deleted the video from his channel because he wanted to cut himself off from Arcadum lmao.

Why didn't people hound on Muselk like they did Star_?

They're a double act.
Ster is the straight guy.

Star didn't end up on a Disney XD show for no reason.
Definitely the reason.

In more ways than one.

Charlie is a faggot and became the very thing he made fun of 5 years ago.
a drama whoring reaction channel.

Money changes people lel.

Jerma's piece has been on cam, but has star's waifu?

>Literally blames his audience, all while making shittier non-TF2 videos
>Then goes on a long hiatus and blames the fans for somehow not magically knowing when he returns a year later on a different channel on a different platform
>Then blames Blizzard for not making "the game they should"
>Blames fans some more, makes DND video, it is absolute shit but only suck ups are around anymore
>Despite overwhelming yes-man praise, still goes on another depressive hiatus
This guy is worse than Alvin Earthworm. He at least got stopped by Nintendo.

Muselk didn't spit in the face of his supporting base verbally