In your honest opinion are video games a waste of time

In your honest opinion are video games a waste of time

Attached: SereneGleamingFruitbat-mobile (2).webm (640x360, 2.94M)

Yes but that's the point

only if you have something you should be doing instead

only gacha games, and they're a waste of time AND money

is that really a fruitbat? Looks like a monkey.

Everything is a waste of time. Just end yourself now. Life is meaningless


everything is a wast of time, might as well have the illusion of fun to distract us

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bad video games are a waste of time
and 99.9% of video games are bad

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And what is a good use of free time and why?

>Are video games a waste of time? thread #8000
This is a waste of time.


Attached: ~Prefacing Objectivity - An Explanation on the Popularity of Shooters.png (328x415, 67.62K)

To normalfags everything except dying in wars for Israel or making your boss more money is a "waste of time".


It's not productive to your life and you're not learning anything so yeah
I enjoy it, though

David Bowie?

>user is clearly going off the filename
>it actually is a monkey, which user acknowledges is what it looks like

>You must soooofer, you must prodoooooce. If you do not sooofer then G-d's predestination for you (which He has already decided) will send you straight to hell. If you prodoooooce and never have fun ever then G-d's already-decided predestination for you will be heaven (where you will also suffer and prodooooce because anything else would be sinful). The cultural legacy of my dingbat protestshit heresy will come to dominate the Anglo world (and thereby be imposed upon the rest of it) so there is no escape. Get back to wooooork wagie. For G-d. (No, you cannot sit at the counter)

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time enjoyed wasting is not wasted time

as long as you don't neglect personal responsibilities

only if you can't play in moderation

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Nothing is a waste of time if you are enjoying yourself

damn that monkey looks more human than niggers. how does it feel niggerbros, to be a part of the losers club?

everything is a waste of time knowing you will die eventually

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If anything is a waste of time it's Any Forums. I keep opening this place. Now I'm going again. Fuck this place. Fuck all of you. Leave while you still can. Don't get addicted like me.

see you tomorrow user

Depends on the game. If I don't enjoy playing it yeah it is. If I do then no its not.

most video games are a waste of time because that's exactly what they're designed to do

but some video games uplift you to a higher level

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