*eyebrows violently convulsing*

*eyebrows violently convulsing*
>it's like the best game ever DOOOD
*gums start bleeding*
>I just LOOOOOVE farming out these mounts every single day for the last 15 years MAAAAAN, it's soooooo good DOOD
*doesn't get the mount for the 100000th time*
>COCK ASS dood!! That's some real BULLSHIIIEEEET. Y'all believe this? OH MY GAWWWD I HATE THIS GAME dooooood FUCK
*parks his character to receive gold from orbiters*
>I'm sooooo MAAAD I didn't get that MOOUNT broooo SHIT DOOD
*smears blood from gums on the wall*
*wasps start buzzing in the walls*
>The fuck is this shit BROOOO
*sidekick every 30 minutes: TWITCH PRIME TWITCH PRIIIIIIME*
>Okay y'all ready to see this shit?
*shows dead mom's decomposing body in the next room*
>There it is dood.
*sidekick: TOS DOOD TOS*
>MAAAAN fuck em dood, I do what I want. Y'all believe this horseshit?
>Alright boys imma call it a day. We had a good stream today, watched some few videos and played 10 whole minutes of games. Imma run some ads then go to Taco Bellâ„¢. Don't forget to subscribe to my ex-girlfriend's OnlyFans... PEACE!

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Other urls found in this thread:


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Why do you keep posting this garbage?

Attached: FV1CRHUUEAAJyYt.jpg (1800x1201, 573.31K)

Still mad, OP ?

DId he ban you or something ? YOu really look like a scorned woman.


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>shits on wow all the time
>goes straight back to play the newest expansion

how do you call someone like this?

Attached: 1656617456593.jpg (660x574, 191.72K)

I really like this streamer

Who the fuck cares, did he ban you or something? Fuck off

wow expansions are always fun and worth the money for the first couple of months
the trick is to unsub when you stop having fun

Miyeon is for african bulls! Miyeon best girl!

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I'm gonna go to the dentist and then the doctor thanks to these threads.

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>triggers all the FF14 redditors
>somehow even Any Forums got mad

Imagine taking the time to make that picture.

Is he a lolcow now?

who mindbroke him?

he would laugh at this and the wipe his ass with a hundred$bill


>wow expansions are always fun and worth the money for the first couple of months
Wow isnt Wow anymore.
The metalheads that loved LOTR, Dune, Warhammer, Star Trek. etc etc., that created the original warcrafts are long gone.
And the people who replaced them hate everything the original creators loved.

The people who make and contribute to these threads would probably tell you they are "principled e-celeb haters" but that is not true in most cases. Usually the posters are former fans who idolized the e-celebs and then got burnt because they started acting in ways they did not approve of. If you truly didn't care about these people you just wouldn't know about all this shit. Same applies to basically all of kiwifarms.

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i didn't even know he was sick.