Why is this happening?

Why is this happening?

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>according to...
so complete bullshit that should be ignored, nice

Corporate greed

Hideously bloated marketing costs supported by children and whales combined with no innovation

If gas and food prices keep climbing then yeah I suppose

Elden Ring was too powerful, nothing else can compare.
PC sales are down like 12% overall too according to another thread.

Because development cycles were fucked hard last year by the bullshit?

Because major devs are pumping out nothing but poorly-received unfinished bug-riddled garbage?

Because there's not a single big-name left that hasn't been tarnished by scandals of some kind?

dunno don't care i don't own video game businesses

Companies are getting ready to purge the liberals but only after they impose ultimate marxism upon the digital world

>more and more companies pandering to woke crowd who doesn't even buy video games
>the ppl who actually buy video games stop doing it because they are tired of this
>w-why aren't we getting money?? oy vey

Oh yes, YES!
No more AAA games, only medium and small studios. Jap shit will stay on fucking japan!

Gaming has reached its peak. There's no where else for it to go

>somewhat bad vidya-related news
>uses that same mario pic every single time

Because infinite growth is not realistic.

When you excrete shit in the mouth of people every year even the little retarded weirdos will stop wanting more, no matter how much that shit looks like their favorite imaginary character

funny how our entire economy is based on it then
really makes you think


Well, when you turn every company into a souless husk that has to answer to a board of execs who know nothing about the video game market/community, and pander to a buch of faggots and trannies people will stop playing them.

Also AAA gaming fucking sucks ass hole now.

because you can't expect to grow exponentially forever
why the fuck you care you faggot corporate dicksucker

Elden Ring was awesome and people are becoming WOKE to the fact that they don’t need to buy Assassin’s Creed 9 or Troon of War any more

Nobody has money anymore
What do you expect them to buy games with?

tell that to dobson

Sure you can, space exists
Just got to find some aliens to sell shitty video games to now

>find aliens
>they use diamons as we use cooper
>fuck everything in both worlds
works for me

Because for the last two years people have had limited entertainment options - hundreds of millions of people have been unable to leave their homes to go and do something away from the house.

Now that everything is back to the new normal people have less time to playthrough games so they aren't finishing the games they buy as quickly, so they are buying less games.

It's simple. Not to mention inflation and shortages ramping up prices and fucking everyone in the arse sideways.

The same reason all the other forms of media are in decline? The U.S. is in a recession and China is becoming more reclusive than ever.
And the U.S. and China are the biggest consumers of mass media on the planet.
Less people consumming means less money means less games and movies and TV shows.

I'm sure all the woke shit isn't helping since China outright bans most of it and average Joe Everyman in America doesn't want to come home from an 8 hour work day with a 45 minute traffic filled commute in either direction just for his video game to lecture him about how much of a piece of shit he is for existing.

We are entering a global recession.

US been in a recession since 2008 hombre. We’re entering depression, now.

Yeah no, you really think companies like Uber and Door dash could have been made in a recession? You're dumb

Oh gee I dunno

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