Gameplay looks like garbage, but it has a 97 on Metacritic. What the fuck?

Gameplay looks like garbage, but it has a 97 on Metacritic. What the fuck?

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Peak console FPS at the time. We took what we could get.

Level design.

Attached: pheonix.webm (1366x768, 2.96M)

>console FPS
That's a very, very, very low bar.

Still a great game. Level design and objectives are amazing. It doesn’t hold your hand; fuck up an objective and you have to replay the entire mission.

Also has a killer soundtrack. You can even play with a mouse and keyboard if you emulate it on PC. I’d suggest emulating the Xbox version with Xenia Mousehook.

Better than Half Life.

You wouldn't understand.

P64 and kb+m controls, gameplay is fixed and game is 10/10.

Games are usually rated when they come out, not 20 years later.

this game is classic, you just got filtered.

>Changing difficulty also changes objectives and enemy placements in the levels.

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I dunno, it's making you seethe pretty good.

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I wish Microshit would hurry up and port the XBLA version to PC.

Buy an Xbox

>zoomie tries discussion gameplay from a game he watched on youtube

hahaha no wait no it's not funny at all

It’s been 22 years user. Jesus Christ find another way

you retards have made this lose all meaning


no you don't understand
if I say you're seething that means I win

Sorry kid, you just had to be there.

It should have a perfect 100. The music, the sound design, the gun and reload animations , the original story, setting, and characters, and excellent multiplayer on top of all that. It even has a likeable female protagonist if you're into that sort of thing.

Fucking kickass splitscreen couch multiplatyer thats what. Perfect maps, Perfect weapons and unique AI bots

Only game that even comes close is timesplitters

I still remember whipping laptop guns on the walls

Attached: laptop.jpg (610x343, 55.09K)

The game is good, and you're downplaying it because it's on a platform you don't play.

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It really does everything well. Even by today's feminist standards. Can't think of any modern >women characters who are as awesome as Joanna.

ironic nostalgia

>Gameplay looks like garbage
Key word is "looks like" not "is"