What went wrong?

What went wrong?

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non virgin

after making levels for Bayonetta, thought she can make a full game


I never got to have sex with her

Got full of herself, dad died, got preggers, moved to commiefornia (supposedly), thought being a concept artist was enough experience to direct games

Which game did she do?

Kojima if he was trans

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literally pregnancy ending career

Ghostwire Tokyo, though she left 3 years before the game came out.

Wanted to make a cool horror game. Suits said nah we gotta make it an open world action game instead, she said ok ill leave then, and then she opened her own studio.

No no no, Kojima is a troon now?

>fully grown woman acts like a kawaii anime girl on stage
>weeb simps place her on a pedestal "because it's just like one of my Japanese animes!"
>fully grown adult woman is not on fact a magical anime girl, but a real person with a real person life
>this makes the weeb simps angry for some reason

Ikumi Nakamura is so cute... ;_;

Who's the father of her child?

Literally Me

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Hideo Kojima

What do you mean if

She attentioned whored so hard that she was fired from Tango from attempting to hijack Ghostwire:Tokyo to create a cult of personality around herself.

It is a woman. Of course she didnt accomplish anything of value.

Todd Howard knocked her up and put her on maternity leave because he feared her potential

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