Is it a good sequel?

Is it a good sequel?

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the best

Yes and a good game. Perhaps a better game. Casuals stay seething.

No, it's worse than the first game


no, it went from a game about constant nonstop violence and improvising when shit went wrong to a game about hiding behind corners and following the one route that doesn't get you shot by off-screen enemies

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No, not as good. For how big the levels are they are pretty linear, and especially dont give as much room for strategy. Not to mention but I had a problem with picking up weapons, the game would prioritize something that wasnt right at my feet which got frustrating in hard mode with the bullet loss mechanic. I like the experiments with enemy types and character abilities, a weak point for hm1. Music is better in 2 but many levels needed much improvement.

it's a mechanically sound game, but it's level design and story are dogshit, the only genuinely good things it has are the soundtrack (which is godlike) and the atmosphere (which is colorful but depressing as fuck)

Really good normies stay seething. Story is really good and so many good characters. Tony literally one of the reasons I got into fitness.

L2p casuals

its kino

agreed on the level design but i liked the story, the characters were all interesting enough and it felt like a satisfying conclusion to the mysteries of the first game

Art, music, story, characters were much much better in the second one.
Even if I am a gameplay person my self, I still think the second one was better

No, it's shit except for the OST which is better than 1. Did feel bad for the devs that they were apparently pretty hurt by the fan backlash, but they did go full retard with the level design.

its a good game just not a good hotline miami game

I will never understand people that cried about the massive increase in difficulty, Hotline Miami 1 is extremely fucking easy after you beat it once, of course HM2 had to be a lot more difficult

the difficulty isn't fun because it's mainly from shit that feels unfair like enemies having longer sightlines than you do

it was pretty good, i think the story got a little too heavy handed, the mystery and storytelling presented through the world design in 1 was unforgettable. jacket is unironically a very good character, even in 2 all he does is mess around with a ball driving home the idea that it's all just a game to him, he enjoys cheap thrills and vengeance, nothing more and it's shown without a lick of dialogue. probably the best representation of a stone cold killer i've ever seen in vidya.

I love how they showed the finer details of his character strictly through his living space.

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the hawaiinam levels kinda sucked from a gameplay perspective but the story was pure kino, they did a great job of communicating jacket and beard's friendship without having jacket say a single word

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ok tell me how you increase difficulty without all this bullshit

its a good game and 100% worth playing if you enjoyed hm1 but getting shot off screen is so retarded and changes the game from speed and reaction to memorising maps