I've given it enough tries. Fuck this game

I've given it enough tries. Fuck this game.

Attached: Mmx6box.jpg (1002x1019, 628.22K)

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Play X5, it will make you appreciate it a lot more.

God I love him so much, I must have watched his X1/2/3 videos over a dozen times. Just incredible stuff

But yeah don't sweat it OP X6 is an armpit stain of a game

>end of the series says X6 is one of his favorite games
>people repeatedly use this particular episode as "evidence" that X6 is bad
always seemed weird to me

X5 is a better game, the gimmicks it has are just a portion of the game while x6 the gimmicks are there at any given moment just because the devs had no fucking idea what they were doing.

It's not the gimmicks that make X5 a bad game, it's all stages and bosses being shit.

Unironically best X game.
Those who dislike it don't understand the soul and genius behind this game which by the way is from Capcom golden era

>the one who Didn't Beat The Game and admits it
A true hero.

As opposed to what x6 bosses being annoying, and horribly designed? Only saving grace x6 has is its music.

As opposed to a game that isn't complete shit.

Don't let anyone say otherwise. X6 is bad an the contrarians who say it's actually good are ill.

Im convinced their love for the game is purely just nostalgia and babys first megamanx because this game has actually no redeeming factors. Guess thats what happends when you give the series to a team that has no idea what they are doing with almost no time.

>going into the last stage with the shadow armor
What were they thinking?

Not canon

Fuck, the game is due tomorrow but I still have to code one last platform above this bottomless pit. I hope I wake up from this nap in time before they ship the game out.

Attached: megalegs.gif (460x480, 404.06K)

Absolute shit game
But 10/10 OST



Attached: Nightmare_snake_sprite.png (360x360, 157.78K)

i dont like how this kid pronounces words.

didn't ask

i dont care. you got my opinion. deal with it, crybaby.


didn't read

Guys how do I beat this bitch?

Attached: Compress_20220714_090152_2348.jpg (4096x3072, 1.94M)

Well holy god damn

This is the slowest X game. In no way is it difficult or challenging to the point where it'll kill you a lot, it's just so slow that you can't tell the difference.

Literally git gud