Why are no games able to capture this mood?

Why are no games able to capture this mood?

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Botw does it pretty well

Half-Life 2 Deathmatch without other players
Counter-Strike: Source without other players
The list goes on.

Attached: spinning.webm (1920x1080, 2.9M)

What mood? Literally just fucking rooms with occasional jumpscares.

Because there's no way to make the player forget that he's in a game so that he would feel truly desperate and alone.

I don't get it.


Why is an empty room scary?

It's a play on the "lost in an empty part of a building" feeling thing many experienced in their life, but massively overblown vy zoomers

zoomers are terrified of empty rooms




true fears comes from making your own half life 1 deathmatch server and inmersing yourself on the map
until someone joins

Your mind thinks that everyone else knows about a threat and already run away, but you continue to be in a dangerous area

The backrooms are a totally fine artstyle / design for horror or spooky stuff, it's a fun thing to play with and is creative, it doesn't matter if "Zoomers" like it or not, it's totally fine and can even be good. I don't care if you have a problem with that.

Attached: pepe apu smug.jpg (1159x1200, 97.29K)

poor user had a stroke

Stanley Parable and The Beginner's Guide would be the two obvious ones


House of Leaves ripoff

Nocturne has a dungeon exactly like this

Attached: 1623977117037.png (1920x1080, 2.16M)

Oh but there is

Attached: Peacefulsewermaze4.jpg (250x188, 9.29K)

any source engine game without enemies or other players


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There already is in CSGO but with 64 friends. Each floor has an exit which leads to a bigger floor. Chunks of the map are randomly fit together so it's always a different combination. After x floors there's an ending. youtu.be/Rt1fGW3F1ys

I jumped on to an online server of an arena shooter I played for a little bit years ago and to my surprise their were people on the server.
But they were acting weird, couldn't quite figure out if they were bots or not. The game didn't have bits when I had played it before though. Was a bit eerie. Felt like a creepypasta that didn't have any kind of dramatic reveal at the end.

>take 2 steps