Half-Life should have been an immersive sim

Half-Life should have been an immersive sim.

There's no reason for things such as cockroaches to be sensitive to light and for bullsquids to have a sense of smell to use, only for it to never have any impact on the gameplay. If the game were actually designed around such systematic AI behavior, among other things, none of these minutiae would have gone unnoticed.


Attached: HD_pack_characters.jpg (640x480, 408.54K)

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Half Life sucks.

Attached: schizo.png (431x432, 269.36K)

>There's no reason for things such as....
There is:
Pure artistic and technological SKILL, and rubbing it in the faces of all the lazy ass hacks calling themselves "game devs", back in the day and especially now, 24 years later.

And yet it sold way more units than Thief: The Dark Project, System Shock 2 or Deus Ex. And besides back in 1998 'immersive sim' wasn't really a term yet (pic related is from 1997 when Looking Glass were still calling their games 'immersive reality') and literally the only studio making them was Looking Glass Studios. Valve ain't Looking Glass and came up with their own design based on Quake but taking it in a different direction. And they became one of the biggest names in gaming ever off the back of it. Meanwhile Looking Glass went broke back in 2000.

Attached: looking glass immersive reality sim.png (1184x2240, 641.12K)

>immersive sim

Attached: 1596098048741.jpg (600x800, 79.2K)

my body looks like this lol

Meh. It was legit a term used inside Looking Glass back in the 90s. The real problem is that people use the term completely fucking wrong these days because they have no fucking clue what they're talking about and don't even know what the fuck an Ultima Underworld is.

Maybe, but getting a game out the door is also important and the game already has something of a legacy regardless

me too lol
I'm also trans btw

Have you read about the stuff they wanted to do? I guess it was supposed to be less linear, because they wanted the player to traverse the same areas of Black Mesa multiple times, and they wanted alien wildlife and moss to colonize these areas so they would change over time. GabeN had a lot of crazy ideas that never materialized. There were to be a lot more simulation elements than we ended up with, although there are many leftovers in the code.

The longjump ability (RPG elements/new skills) and that one secret ceiling passage in the offices (non-linearity) and emergent gameplay features (jumping acceleration and gauss gun propulsion) proves that it already is an immersive sim.

I get pretty immersed in Half-Life, immersive sim is a retarded term that could mean anything

I remember watching a vid about how complex and smart the combines ai are.
Which I would have never known because half life 2s gameplay is retarded

The 'immersive' in immersive sim is short for 'immersive reality,' which basically means non-linear, emergent gameplay allowing for player agency. Look, it's a shit term but it's the one we're stuck with. It refers to the old, first-person, Looking Glass games from the 90s which were designed really differently from the first-person stuff Id or later Valve were making at around the same time.

Again, shit term though. Everyone ends up getting confused and thinking the 'immersive' bit just means being immersed. Plus, it's a dead genre. Died around about the early 2000s when Looking Glass and Ion Storm went out of business. And Half Life sold way, way, way more copies than anything either of those companies ever put out.

Attached: immersive reality.png (1170x905, 257.71K)

If you drop a bunch of them in a wide arena you'll see them using squad tactics to suppress, flank, flush, all that shit.
Problem is the game doesn't give you any arenas, just corridors.

And that could be implemented in an eventual HL3. No need for a revolutionary breaktrough like a dick sucking device.

I don't believe your post is genuine but if I did I'd say that I hate your mentality. When you come across richer behavior in a game than you expected, it's one of the sweetest moments in life. When a game designer notices that you liked that little piece of coding that sold you on the game being more than you saw, a kind of dream, and thinks "players like this feature, what if it was a game mechanic" and implements that in the subsequent game, the effect is of course destroyed.
>Oh, no, the game's not actually maybe a real world that's inside the computer that I can visit . Being able to scare the bugs is a game mechanic. I needed to know about it to open the door. It's just a fucking puzzle written by a person
As I wrote this post I thought more and more about how I wish you were dead OP and also everyone who ever had the thought you expressed in your post. You took the magic from games

You should have been born with a lower IQ, but here we are... having to suffer through your ability to write and create incoherent dumb bullshit like EVERYTHING NEEDS TO BE REALISTIC

how the hell can this be fixed
I don't overeat or anything, it's just that all the fat goes exactly to the places where I absolutely don't want it to be. It's so fucking gross and embarassing

How else will they bring Gordon and Alyx' relationship to its natural solution?

Eat less, eat healthier (less sugar and salt), and exercise more.

*natural conclusion...